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My brother is a drug addict

right now i dont know whether to cry or scream because of the way im feeling! It started a few years ago .. he got into smoking the **** with his mates and eventually this led onto him stealing from my parents, me and my other brothers. He ended up having to go away for a while... my mum and dad nearly broke up over the whole situation they were arguing constantly etc. Now he is back home and low and behold the ring that my mum and dad gave me for my 18th has gone missing and i dont know what to do, its not just the fact that its expensive, its the fact that my mum and dad gave it to me and if he has taken it he will sell it for a minimal amount of money so he can get his fix. I dont want to tell my dad because he will not only kill me but the aruing will start up again. I thought i had missplaced it but i only put it in certain places and there is no way it would have come off my finger without me knowing. Why does he do these things... ive never been anything but a loving caring sister and all i get is my personal possessions stolen in return :frown: Should i tell my dad?

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Reply 1
I understand that you want to avoid the arguing, but I don't think you should let this go unnoticed. Next time he may steal something more precious to you or your family. Do you feel you could ask him directly? This could avoid telling your parents at all.
Reply 2
I know my brother.... hes stolen stuff off me b4 eg my bankcard and pin number and drew all my money out and he denyed it to my face more than once until one of his mate told me it was him. So if i do ask him directly he will just deny it. I know its horrible to say but i hate him at this moment in time.
Reply 3
If talking to him or your parents doesnt help then the police is an option, yes it is pretty extreme and he is your brother, but at the end of the day, it is pretty serious theft by the sounds of it....
Reply 4
To be honest.... Yes hes your brother, but he really needs help, and it doesnt look like hes going to get it at home. I think you really just need to have a serious discussion with your family, and talk to him about all this. Re-hab for him sounds like the best option right now.
Reply 5
re-hab is a good idea... if we could get him to go. Hes got to do it for himself, a choice he has to make... we cant force him. And in the meanwhile he steals from his own family - if theres one thing i hate its that and bein a liar! Im gonna have to tell my dad... so then i will feel like **** cz my ring has been taken and miserable because my dad will have a massive go at me.... its really a lose lose situation.
Reply 6
The thing is, although yes, its better off for him to have a choice, the whole nature of an addiction is that you wouldnt want to just go off them. It may be in his best interests, even though it may hurt, to force him. Why should your dad be angry at you for him stealing it anyway?
Reply 7
He can't be allowed to get away with stealing from people he loves. If he does then he will continue to steal because there have been no consequences for his actions. He needs rehab. Which drug exactly is he addicted to? Depending on what he's on there would be different ways to deal with the situation.
Reply 8
The thing is, although yes, its better off for him to have a choice, the whole nature of an addiction is that you wouldnt want to just go off them. It may be in his best interests, even though it may hurt, to force him. Why should your dad be angry at you for him stealing it anyway?

Because its happened in the past... hes stolen things. Hes only just recently come out of prison and silly me has thought he has changed and although everything else of mine that is worth anything is locked away it slipped my mind that leaving my ring in my draw could mean it gets taken. Im only homefor weekends and hes only been bk home for 2 weeks. My dad will say that its my own fault and its an expensive ring.
I know how it brother got into the "wrong" crowd when he was only 14! Its been a constant battle...hes 21 now, and I know hes still not stopped. He has constant fits, and sometimse I feel it would be better if e just wasn't here. My parents are at each others throats 24/7 my mum cries all the time and its me who has to try to keep everyone calm, my younger sisters love him dearly I really don't give a **** anymore. He makes my mum cry my sisters upset and has thorn this family into two.

He stole ALOT! Its ironic but my mum got me pure gold braclets for my 16th b-day, I never use to wear them only occasionaly as they were too heavy, my mum usually keeps gold etc in a safe at home for some reason she didn't this time, and my brother went and sold them for some dope. He was into very heavy stuff at one point. He even got his faces slashed, the scars are gone now but it still hurts to know that some asshole did this to my brother and my brother actually let them for a few mins of getting high!

Hes ran away, been kicked out by my dad etc. Lived all around the country and yeah i'm pleased to say hes back at home and on track. Started uni and is slowly getting there. He still has his fits...which always end up with my mum crying and someone getting hurt, but hes getting better. Thats the main thing.

I know how you most be feeling, I felt so angry at him for so long and now I just petty him when he throws his fits there normal and i'm use to them. Personally I'd confront him...ask him upfront and se what he says.

Long post, and I apologise for this being anonymous.
Ah, I see. Well seeing as prison did nothing to stop his addiction, then I think you really should force him into rehab, as it will be the best for both him, and your family in the long run. Hes abused all your trust by stealing from you, and it simply cant go on. Of course, its always much easier to say these things then to actually do them! But I hope your situation gets sorted out, and things get better eventually.
Reply 11
Because its happened in the past... hes stolen things. Hes only just recently come out of prison and silly me has thought he has changed and although everything else of mine that is worth anything is locked away it slipped my mind that leaving my ring in my draw could mean it gets taken. Im only homefor weekends and hes only been bk home for 2 weeks. My dad will say that its my own fault and its an expensive ring.

Do your parents know about your brother stealing money out of your account? If not, you could mention something along those lines to them. Anyway, wish you all the best with this problem.
Reply 12
yeah my parents know what he has done... this doesnt mean that they agree with it or let him get away with it - well they try not to let him get away with it.
Reply 13
I'm in the same boat. My 16 year old cousin claims he deals weed now. I'm not sure if he said that to impress me but I wouldn't be suprised if it's true. It makes no sense because he is filthy rich.

All I did was tell him I disapprove of what he is doing. I could easily have gone mad at him, but I'm not his mum. Speaking of his mum, I chose not to tell her either as in the least possibly offensive way to her, she would have handled it terribly i.e sent him to boarding school in India. Then again, maybe he needs that-- I might regret keeping it quiet.
Reply 14
right now i dont know whether to cry or scream because of the way im feeling! It started a few years ago .. he got into smoking the **** with his mates and eventually this led onto him stealing from my parents, me and my other brothers. He ended up having to go away for a while... my mum and dad nearly broke up over the whole situation they were arguing constantly etc. Now he is back home and low and behold the ring that my mum and dad gave me for my 18th has gone missing and i dont know what to do, its not just the fact that its expensive, its the fact that my mum and dad gave it to me and if he has taken it he will sell it for a minimal amount of money so he can get his fix. I dont want to tell my dad because he will not only kill me but the aruing will start up again. I thought i had missplaced it but i only put it in certain places and there is no way it would have come off my finger without me knowing. Why does he do these things... ive never been anything but a loving caring sister and all i get is my personal possessions stolen in return :frown: Should i tell my dad?

now that is a problem
Reply 15
Don't tell your Dad but sneak up behind your brother and strangle him and make him admit it. The next day suggest to your parents that your brother must go into rehab.
Reply 16
hes stolen stuff off me b4 eg my bankcard and pin number and drew all my money out

Get revenge on him. Be creative.
Reply 17
im sure that your brother isn´t just smoking marijuana,

to get your things stoled by him i think he´s using other bad bad things. more stronger.

i thing you should talk to him 1st, and give him a chance, if it dont work... in your place I was telled to my parents of course.

good luck!
Reply 18
Well im not going to be home for the next 4 days so do i ring my brother up and ask him over the phone? I doubt i will get my ring back now. And then if he denys it i will ask my brothers to force the truth out of him. I dont want to tell my dad over the phone coz that will make me look like a coward as if i cant say it to his face.
Reply 19
he was snorting coke before he went inside so its possible he couldbe back on that **** again