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OK this is kinda gross but hell I'll ask.
Spent half term at my boyfriend's, don't see him much cos he's at uni. Had lots of sex- v sore + bit bleedy. Couldn't sleep last night from soreness. Is this cystitis? Got some cystitis tablets (mmm embarassing) from Boots that you dissolve + apparantly make your wee less acidic + painful.
Anyone else had this before?
Cheers :blushing:
Reply 1
It's cystitis if when you wee it's sore. You also feel as if you want to go to the toilet all the time, but nothing really comes out when you do, there's a feeling of pressure behind your pubic bone, your urine is cloudy/strong smelling... If it's 'just' (although obviously this isn't nice either) sore and bleedy in general, you must have had too rough sex. If it's not cystitis, but it still lasts, then just go to the doctor.
Reply 2
It's probably just hurting because you had a lot of sex, it occurs a lot especially if you haven't seen them for a while etc. Try using more lube next time.

You'd know if you had cystitis. It absolutely kills when you go to the toilet, it kills in between and you want to go to the toilet all the time in between, yet you can't. It's highly uncomfortable and the chances are it's not caused by a lot of sex alone - although the friction may have done.
Reply 3
It's cystitis if when you wee it's sore. You also feel as if you want to go to the toilet all the time, but nothing really comes out when you do, IQUOTE]

THIS but not cloudy + strong smelling! Although not really painful all the time so not a 'go see the doctor' case I think.
Reply 4
Drink cranberry juice!!!theres nothing down there tha stuff doesnt help!
Reply 5
go to doctors. now. before you get kidney infection like i did and you have to be taken to hospital.
Sounds like cystisis, Get it sorted asap, I didn't and developed into kidney infection, VERY painful :frown:
Reply 7
Don't drink TOO much cranberry juice though because too much of the sugars in it can cause the opposite effect. I would say have 1 or 2 large glasses of cranberry juice and just drink as much water as possible to flush out your system, this also dilutes your urine and when you need to go to the toilet there's actually something to pee out! Go and see a doctor because if cystitis gets left untreated there are some nasty consequences.