The Student Room Group

Skin problems

Ok, well for a while now i've had this kind of problem with the skin on my upper arms/upper back (aswell as less of a problem with the lower arms)

Basically, its like lots of little raised bumps, like goosebumps, but they kind of open up as the skin "bursts" not in a bad bleeding/sore sort of way, but does leave little scabs. No matter how much I wash, it doesnt seem to go away. Does anyone have an idea on what this could be?
Reply 1
Just thought i'd ask again....
Reply 2
I know someone who had exactly that... can not remember what the name of it was, put skin problems on upper arms into Google you should find out what it might be. Basically it was totally harmless and it goes of its own accord but may take some time... months rather than weeks. It was more of a pain from a looks point of view than anything else. I think he was recommended to try something like witch hazel on it.But you would have to be sure what it was first.
Reply 3
Found the condition keratosis pilaris.. i know it sound like something a triceratops might have suffered from... but it has completely gone now, it is something to do with an overproduction of keratin.
Reply 4
not sure if it's the same thing, but I had kind of raised red bumps which felt quite rough on my upper arms and I had it for ages and didn't really do much. But my mum saw it being talked about on tv and they basically got a body brush and brushed upwards (as in from the elbows to the shoulders) then used an exfoliator or something similar that had AHAs in it. I've got something by L'oreal called exfotonic, it was quite expensive though i think but has lasted ages. So you use some of that after doing the brushing. It dramatically changed my arms but you do have to keep doing it because mine has come back a little bit because once it had gone I stopped the routine. Not sure if it's the same thing but good luck! X x x
Reply 5
Thanks a lot! This really helps, and thats exactly what I seem to have :smile: