So i went for a crap today, and there was blood in the toilet bowl. Sexy i know, but what the hell, why did that happen, i dont have bowel cancer do i ?
Bowel cancer is very uncommon on people under 50, and i assume you are 18-30. So likeyhood there is nothing to worry about. If it continues see your doctor...may just be a cut though.
That's it - i'm fed up of these stupid threads. I'm going to say this once.
Stop asking all these medical threads to people who have as much if not a little more of a clue than you and go seek some professional help before spouting things such as cancer.
Bowel cancer is very uncommon on people under 50, and i assume you are 18-30. So likeyhood there is nothing to worry about. If it continues see your doctor...may just be a cut though.
and if the guy has HNPCC..?
if the blood looks like blood - fresh, bright red and it was splatted about the bowel or looked like droplets then it is likely to be a problem with rectum - perhaps an overly hard stoolhas caused some bleeding. if the stool has blood all over it/mixed in then t is from further up. and if the stool is blakc and smelly is further up again.
but the key thing with colon disease is bowel habit - have you increased or decreased the amount of times you defacate a day/week? increased urgency, strainging, feeling of incomplete bowel emptying. mucusy poos and had to flush poos. thats moe the worrysome stuff.
if all these are negative, and its jst a bit of bright red blood (and i mean a bit, not blood pouring everywhere) then don't stress.
Sounds like haemorhhorids- go and speak to a pharmacist and they'll give you something or advise you on to a doctor if they think it's anything else. You can ask to speak to them in a confidential room.
I had the same problem, and the doctor had a poke around (nice) and said I had piles inside the rectum which were getting irritated every time I went to the loo. She told me to eat loads of fruit, veg and fibre to soften my stools, and it mostly worked - I still get bleeding occasionally if it's a hard stool, but not every time anymore.
God, that's far too much information isn't it. *reaches for anonymous button*
That's it - i'm fed up of these stupid threads. I'm going to say this once.
Stop asking all these medical threads to people who have as much if not a little more of a clue than you and go seek some professional help before spouting things such as cancer.
Calm down mate.
Does it matter if someone asks a question like this on here?
Just becasue we aren't all doctors on here doesn't mean such threads have no value.
The person asking such a thread made be very scard by what they have noticed and as such may be affraid to go to the doctors. They might just need some pushing to go or want some backing up or support.
I very much doubt people make such threads to get a diagnosis and ideas on what treatment to get, rather they'll make them as a place to talk about how they feel, what they should do to get help (or even if they should get help at all), or maybe get in touch with someone who has gone through something similar.
All those things are what can and should happen on the board and are things which many of us here might be able to help with now and again.
So i went for a crap today, and there was blood in the toilet bowl. Sexy i know, but what the hell, why did that happen, i dont have bowel cancer do i ?
Possible a period if you are a girl. If not, i highly recommend the doctor - immediately!