The Student Room Group

Wanting Children

A rather trivial 'problem' I guess, but just something I wanted to get off my chest.

Just recently I've been feeling really broody! I know I'm too young (19) to have kids & I'm still at Uni but it doesn't stop me wanting a baby!! I see my boyfriend with his baby nephew & it makes my heart melt. What makes it sad is that I ideally want to wait till I'm married & in a stable job so that will be years away! Grrrr! Does anyone else ever feel like this?

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Reply 1
I've felt similar since I was 16. It's okay to really want a baby as long as you don't just go for it. I've worked at a nursery for a while and they are so much more work than you think they are and then they aren't just cuddly and loveable, but imagine being "stuck" at home with a little kid for two years, not being able to follow your own interests. And no matter how much you love your kid, a 2 year old isn't the best companion at all times. I've always said I wanted to be a young mom, but I'm waiting till I feel honestly ready for it. You really should have your own life sorted in as many aspects as possible before you take on responsibility for a baby. But I bet you think similar about all this and to answer your original question, yes, I do understand how you feel :wink:
Reply 2
I feel a bit silly writing this, but what the heck, I have thought about it before, on more than one occasion. I'm pretty certain I will have children sometime in the future, it has surely got to be one of the highlights of life. It's definately something to look forward to. I feel I'm too young to even drive at the moment!
Yea, I know what you mean.. I sometimes get like that. I know I wouldn't be able to cope with a child at the moment though... I do sometimes feel really broody, but I know that I wouldn't be able to look after a child properly at the minute, or indeed anywhen in the next few years...

I guess its just the motherly instinct in females? But i guess its best at a young age to stick with the children we can give back!!
Reply 4
Why the hell would you wish to create someone who will have to go through the tortuous experience of life?
Reply 5
When I was little I had my dolls in the doll cot at the end of my bed, and once I wished when I woke up she'd (my favourite one I guess) would be a real.

Wish didnt come true, do they ever?

Broody 8 year old innit
A rather trivial 'problem' I guess, but just something I wanted to get off my chest.

Just recently I've been feeling really broody! I know I'm too young (19) to have kids & I'm still at Uni but it doesn't stop me wanting a baby!! I see my boyfriend with his baby nephew & it makes my heart melt. What makes it sad is that I ideally want to wait till I'm married & in a stable job so that will be years away! Grrrr! Does anyone else ever feel like this?

Oh yes, i am exactly like you but i cant give a child what it needs right now. i want to be financially secure,be married and own a house.
Reply 7
All the time. But i definitely know i don't want one now. If i was to find out that i was pregnant now i wouldn't be happy, i'd be horrified. As much as i'm loveing uni and being young and irresposible that's the part of my life that i'm looking forward to most, but i don't think i actually would like children nutil my mid 20s at least. xx
Reply 8
But if you want to be a really good mummy you do need to wait till you have your life in place. Also, if you think about it realistically there are plenty of things you will want to do with the [potential] father of your baby before the baby comes along (like travelling, going out, even staying in with a take away and a bottle of wine becomes infinitely more difficult with a baby in the way!)
It's hard to overcome the pang of broodiness, but when I think about it I'm actually far too selfish to be a mum yet (and that's only re-enforced when I think 'I want one! :mad:' sometimes)
Reply 9
I've got a brilliant idea to get rid of that broody feeling.
1) Set your alarm off at random intervals throughout the night (no longer than an hour inbetween each);
2) Withdraw all of your money from your bank - Set it on fire;
3) Cover your favourite belongings in sick and spit.

Repeat if neccessary.
I do really want kids, I get kind-of-broody, especially when I have my neice down. Only because I know if I ever couldn't have kids I would actually be devastated, I don't want them for another 8-10 years, though. I want to be married, with a house and an established career.
I've never understood women really wanting a baby. I've never even slightly wanted to have one. They sh*t, puke, scream, keep you awake, use up all your money...etc. Plus you have to go through 9 months of swelling up to gargantuan sizes and ripping yourself to shreds down below to force this drain on your resources out into the world. Then there's the painful breasts, leaking milk, bladder weakness, post natal depression, losing your career and the list goes on..

In fact the thought of having a baby makes my blood run cold!
i am so broody at the moment as well...aged 21! there is no way i could actually have a baby now as i'm still at uni and have my whole life ahead of me, but that doesn't stop me getting excited when i see babies! i wish i could just rent one for a few days or something...that would probably satisfy me!
Reply 13
With cousins getting married and having children- I've kind of felt like the odd one out. A few years ago I really wanted children and obviously I wasn't really aware of the amount of work they entail! But I guess it's something everyone goes through- I know I'd be gutted if I found out 10 years down the line I couldn't have children for any reason- that's why I feel so sorry for my mum. But adoption's good anyway these days (otherwise I wouldn't be here!):smile: Anyway, off the beaten track- back on track- yeah, it's fine for you to feel that way- just don't do it till you've had a decent length of time with your bf first!
I definitely have :smile: and whilst I want to have children young, I definitely want to wait for a few years and enjoy myself and my boyfriend (soon to be husband!) first. Then once we feel ready and have enough money, the children will come along (if only it was that simple...and painless...)
I mean, children are great, but they won't stay cute and everything for long. Maybe try and do some babysitting or something? I know it sounds stupid, but you get to spend a lot of time with a child and get to know them without having to be there 24/7.
Don't worry too much, everything will come in good time.
Reply 15
I always said I hated kids, never wanted them, until I started work at a Zoo and now all the ickle kids all look so sweet. :smile:
A rather trivial 'problem' I guess, but just something I wanted to get off my chest.

Just recently I've been feeling really broody! I know I'm too young (19) to have kids & I'm still at Uni but it doesn't stop me wanting a baby!! I see my boyfriend with his baby nephew & it makes my heart melt. What makes it sad is that I ideally want to wait till I'm married & in a stable job so that will be years away! Grrrr! Does anyone else ever feel like this?

I've been feeling the same, i think the reason for mine is that my boyf is a mature student and so a lot of his mates in and out if uni have kids or girlfriends with kids and i see them around alot with there kids. I know that i should wait until my boyf and I are in the right financial position but i just get really broody when we see his friends with their children.
Reply 17
A rather trivial 'problem' I guess, but just something I wanted to get off my chest.

Just recently I've been feeling really broody! I know I'm too young (19) to have kids & I'm still at Uni but it doesn't stop me wanting a baby!! I see my boyfriend with his baby nephew & it makes my heart melt. What makes it sad is that I ideally want to wait till I'm married & in a stable job so that will be years away! Grrrr! Does anyone else ever feel like this?

Yep, Ive been getting it quite badly recently. Sometimes it a horrible thought to have to wait til I'm married with a proper home til I can have one which is insane really because I still have loads of fun things I want to do.
Reply 18
Sometimes I have strong bouts of broodiness, with a strong desire to care and nurture for another - I guess that instinctively, I am a good biological age to bear children, it's just our lifestyle cannot accommodate it - I need to achieve goals in my life by myself first before parenthood - although that means finding somebody to love first...that could be extraordinarily difficult!
Reply 19
Hardly getting it off your chest by posting anonymously :eviltongu

*gets off chest properly* :angel:

though it's more *i can't wait til I'm mid thirties with loadsa kids running round* :motz: than *i want a baby now*

just think that you can't give a kid a decent childhood/life atm.