The Student Room Group

Can you help?!?! - Quick!

Ok so - Basically I'm home for the weekend, told my parents I was going out to play pool last night, when I really wasn't.

Woke up this morning with a horrendous Love Bite.:eek:

It needs covering up somehow for a few hours before I get the train home.

Either that or a really good excuse... was thinking something like "Someone accidently hit a pool cue in my neck" Would they fall for that?

I'm in bed at the moment - dare not get up, just incase!

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Reply 1
Get a knife and gouge it out.
a scarf is always an idea.
Reply 3
a scarf is always an idea.

Not got one!
Reply 4
makeup :p:
Reply 5
makeup :p:

Gona have to raid my mums makeup cuboard then!

What exactly am I looking for! Not big on the old make up scene, being male and all.
Reply 6
Then just blend it in to the love bite. May not cover it up comletely tough. Just give it a try. Foundation followed by cncealer is probably the best bet

*Head explodes due to lack of makeup knowledge*
Reply 7
Have you got a roll neck jumper you could wear, or a polo shirt that you can pull the collar up on?
Reply 8
Have you got a roll neck jumper you could wear, or a polo shirt that you can pull the collar up on?

That's a point, I got a jacket I could put the collar up on that I guess.

Still abit risky!
if you're big enough to be living away from home at university, surely they can handle the fact that you've got a love bite?
Reply 10
if you're big enough to be living away from home at university, surely they can handle the fact that you've got a love bite?

I can handle the fact that I have a lovebite, what I can't handle however is the questions from my parents brought on by having it.

Not forgeting the fact that I told my parents I was out to play pool in the first place.
Reply 11
Why are you lying to your parents - you're surely big enough to say you're going out, and not have to give them specifics. I just used to say "OUT" when asked where I was going... nosey buggers...
Reply 12
Lovebite? How old are you?
Reply 13
Firstly as has been said i would recommend a chunky roll neck jumper or something. Also the old concealer trick. In the long run if you put toothpaste on a love bite it supposedly makes it go away faster - im still to decide if this is just an old wives tale or not but theres certainly no harm in trying! I agree with the others tho, ur parents shouldn't be bothered by a little love bite! You shud just go downstairs holding your head high! You could always say that you did go and play pool but then afterwards you went...wherever it was that u went.
Trying to hide it would probably make it worse if they do see it. Remeber, your parents were your age once, they'll know exactly what youre doing.

All you'll probably get is a bit of silence from your mum, and a "get in there my son!" from your dad, if your parents are anything like mine...
Have you got long hair? That usually does the trick, but that's easier said than done. Alternatively, hide for the day. But personally I'd go for concealer.
Reply 16
I gave my girlfriend a quite large lovebite on her colarbone (cant have been comftarble for her) but I really dont remember giving it to her. She just wore clothing which covered it. I mean its easier to conceal on the colarbone, but you get the point. Otherwise I really cant reccomend anythign that others havnt already.

Your parents should know, and in the end they wont really care. Most parents are cool if you talk to them and treat them like humans (:gosh:smile:
Lots and Lots of foundation on that spot. :smile: I read somewhere that it works.
Reply 18
Umm. Maybe a bit of all to make it not so obvious. Put some make-up on it, just make sure you blend it in o.k. and then keep your hair down.
Why don't you just get some concealent. The stuff you use to cover up spots and the like.