my (well, ex now) best friend is a guy, and we were alot more than that to be honest and slept together several times. he just found out that i got with someone else quite a while after we finished doing other stuff but before we started sleeping together. so anyway, he blew my getting with this other guy way out of proportion and refuses to speak to me. now, a week on he has a new girlfriend even though he told me we could never go out as he moves away in october and he can't trust relationships. i guess what i'm trying to say is is this how should a best friend really react? the guy i got with was cheating on his girlfriend with me who this guy is friends with, but shouldn't a guy stick by his best friend at that time? i don't know, i just think he's over reacted and i don't understand how he can go from loving me to thinking i should be avoided at all costs just because i got with someone else when he never wanted to go out with me anyway.
how would you react if your best friend hurt another one of your friends, stand by them or block them out?