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Reply 1
It's a lot for your body to go through, and then you'll be healing 2 pircings. Also, the swelling will probably be twice as bad, and so you won't be able to breathe for a while.

People do have 2 piercings in one day (think ears) but I personally wouldn't risk it, as it will swell a lot and you don't want to affect your breathing.
Reply 2
I heard somewhere you wernt even meant to get your ears done twice on the same day.
Reply 3
I heard somewhere you wernt even meant to get your ears done twice on the same day.

Well, normal lobe piercings are done on the same day
Reply 4
Well, normal lobe piercings are done on the same day

Two in each ear? Cuz that's what i meant, not one in each ear.... :smile:
Reply 5
Usually getting 2 or 3 piercings at the same time is okay, as long as they're not close together. Obviously it puts more strain on your body, but most people can heal them okay, although it'll probably take longer.

According to everyone with a tongue piercing who I know, the swelling from just one can get pretty bad...I'd get them done seperately, don't bother risking the huge swelling, heh.
Reply 6
Two in each ear? Cuz that's what i meant, not one in each ear.... :smile:

Well, normal lobe piercings is still 2 holes, therefore it's 2 piercings. Although I have no idea if people count them separately for saying stuff like "I've got 10 piercings" as I don't have mine done.
I don't think a piercer would let you have 2 piercings done at the same time in the same place...As everyone above has said, piercings can put a strain on your body, so it's best to wait until the other one has healed.
Reply 8
i don't want to do anything unsafe... i can imagine it will be double the sweeling but if you can get venoms done on teh same day.. surely you can get a double centre piercing???? :confused:
Reply 9
taken the ideas into consideration and may get them done like..s eeing as the sweeling should have gone down from the first one by then
Reply 10
damn it looks like i can't spell but i meant swelling... but my computer wont let me edit it!!!!
Reply 11
Discuss it with your piercer. They may be willing to do it, but if they haven't seen it done before they might not be willing to!

If you do do it, then make sure it's at a quiet time where you haven't got anything planned for a few days, and also have someone round to take you to hospital if necessary.
Reply 12
lol.. i've already booked the weekend off work and my friend is coming with me to have it done...
Reply 13
Ive had it done but took it out christmas time. Believe me you will not want your tongue pierced twice!

Don't be greedy.
Reply 14
dont do it
my mate had it done
her teeth are now totally messed up [she has no enamel anymore]
one's bad enough for them...
and it's almost gone through to just one hole at the back
Reply 15
No offence but i've read up on the risks such as losing the enamel on your teeth and chipping them and as long as they are properly placed and possibly use PTFE instead of metal once downsizing then the risk should be significantly reduced. As for going into one hole... i wouldnt have them done too close to each other anyway.
Reply 16
Ive had it done but took it out christmas time. Believe me you will not want your tongue pierced twice!

Don't be greedy.

Why not? As for being greedy i'm not being greedy just think 1 looks boring and common.
Reply 17
Was joking!!

Do whatever you want!!
Reply 18
Thanx for all your advice... i've spoken to my piercer and he says that i should wait for one to heal first and then have the other put in.. so thats what i should do... plus that way i can get used to one b4 going straight for 2
Reply 19
All sounds a bit too painful to me!