The Student Room Group

Meeting gf's parents...

Hi, been going out with her about 6 months and I think things are going well. I see this lasting a while. We are both at uni and becoming closer as time goes (if you know what I mean :wink: ).

Thing is I haven't met her parents and nor has she, I guess this is due to lack of opportunity (even though we both live pretty close)... What bothers me is I don't think she has even mentioned me to her parents.

I don't understand why she would keep things low key, as if it would be a hassle if she did. In a way i'm slightly hurt but I guess it is up to her.
Some people have over-protective parents, maybe she's just wary or scared that they won't approve. I wouldn't be annoyed with her about it.
Reply 2
I wouldnt like telling my parents mainly because its slightly imbarasing, if they asked I wouldnt lie I just tend to say as little as possible, lol. I would not read too much into that.

Talk to her about it say you would like to meet them if you want to. I suppose it shows how serious you are about each other if your willing to get to know each others parents.
Reply 3
Well, she may just be cautious- my friend (and she's not even my gf) decided to do the complete opposite and launch me into a full scale summer holiday with the whole family, grand parents and all last summer and it went surprisingly well- but back to the point, yes, she's cautious and I expect she has mentioned you to her parents- maybe she's had bad past experiences of parents being a bit edgy about boyfriends and she wants to be a bit cautious? Either way, I'm sure it's fine- she'll introduce you when she feels the time's right. :smile: