The Student Room Group

what do u look for in a partner?

looking through these forums has made me wonder what ppl look for in potential gfs/bfs. i must admit it was mostly the stuff about ppl being superficial which sparked off this train of thought. i have quite a high sex drive so of course physical attraction is definitely something to be taken into consideration (tbh i think ne1 trying to say that physical attraction makes no difference to them is not being entirely honest)

so heres my list of what i find most attractive in a man

nice personality-by this i mean the guy must be kind and generally not too arrogant (this isnt the 1st thing that came into my head but ive never had ne involvement with a guy who isnt a generally good person. so at least subconsciously this must be one of the most attractive features for me)*

physical attraction and ability to keep me satisfied (yes there it is at number two, tho tbh i think bedroom skills r b4 cuteness)

sense of humor/ ability to have fun
shared interests

well thats all ive thought of atm. i stand ready to recieve your input :smile:

ps. that was a long post. sorry for rambling :rolleyes:

*my god i sound up myself
A vagina.
Reply 2
This kind of thread has been done as many times as the Bible has sold copies-just look through the back pages and you'll find lots of people's viewpoints- mine anyway! :smile:
:colondollar: sorry total newbie. should have gone for the old thread resurection
Reply 4
high priestess fnord
:colondollar: sorry total newbie. should have gone for the old thread resurection

No problem! I used to do that all the time- and still do! :smile:
Reply 5
Someone who is HOT and then a nice personality would be bonus.
Reply 6
Everyone says "nice personality" but isn't that a bit obvious? Of course you want a good personality - the question is what is the personality like?

I'll say what I said in another thread...

Well there's quite a lot I'd look for in a partner - the most attractive thing straight away is the way she carries herself - it's difficult how to describe it, but it would be body language that is naturally attractive and suggests an openness to my presence. It would be ideal also if she was very romantic like me as well, I am a sucker for any romantic and dreamy types, and I would love to spend hours talking about the romantic way of living and viewing the world. She would have to be somebody who I could be totally confident with, honesty would be another important trait. We would be on the same wavelength with humour - some people I can joke with all day and we constantly make each other laugh - with others I have to explain my joke about 5 times before the content is understood, by which time the joke has run thin on humour. I believe this reflects a difference in mentality and perception on the world - comedy tells many truths... She would also be my intellectual match, and we could constantly challenge and teach each other new ways of thinking. Physically speaking she would most likely be petite (because I would prefer her to be shorter than me) have deep brown or blue eyes, an adorable smile, and a certain coy enigma about her. I love long hair and I am a sucker for the ethreal princess look - although I am not too particular about looks when all's said and done, but it would certainly facilitate the initial attraction. I don't give a monkey's toenail about breast size, as long as she has breasts Of course, all of my "criteria" are not set in stone and are fluid, and I would appreciate a girl whose criteria is similar - i.e. not like "I am looking for a guy who is definitely this and this, etc..." I would like her also to be open minded to other ways of thinking and cultures, but most importantly, I would naturally know that this is the person I would love. (Or rather, we would both naturally know it about each other). Still haven't found anyone like that yet...
intelligent, sporty, interesting and godd personality
hmm i spose what i rele wanted to know was how high up on the list do looks come? and how much does this change depending on wether your looking for a long term relationship or not. if not would u put looks above bedroom skills? im not asking what u look for in an *ideal* partner but more the kind person you are most likely to want to pull.

Someone who is HOT and then a nice personality would be bonus.

rofl honesty is the best policy :rofl:
A pulse.
Reply 10
Someone kind/sensitive.

Sense of humour is obvious, but when I say it I mean not so much someone to make me laugh but someone who I can laugh WITH.

Someone who I find attractive; it's not the same as being hot.

Someone who smiles a lot and whose whole face brightens up when they do.

Someone affectionate/romantic/considerate (willing to be slightly)

Good kissing! I love good kisses.

A nice smell - clean. But a bit scruffy - none of that 'clean cut' malarkey.

Someone who will be both serious and light-hearted, at appropriate moments.

Someone who I can have an intelligent conversation with - I don't care about grades, it's more about intelligent interaction than academia.

In terms of looks (this isn't part of my list, but what I would prefer) - I'm quite short, and though I find taller men attractive as well, it's so much more convenient when I don't have to strain my neck to kiss them! So not too tall. Square shoulders do it for me, and nice arms/hands. Hair that I can run my fingers through (in good condition), not too short. I like a guy to be not too hairy (a little bit is nice, but I'm not keen on gorilla men - hopefully I will be one day, when all men my age are apes!) I also like quite slender men. None of this bit is a must, just a few qualities that I like!