The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Highly unlikely, at our age, unless you have some serious circulatory problems. What do they look like and why do you think that's what they are?
Reply 2
veins that seem to be coming closer to the skin on the thighs. my mum and gran both have had them. my mum had hers out when she was about 25! i'll be asking her when she gets in from work.

is it something i need to go to the doctors about?
Reply 3
Well, veins coming closer to the skin aren't actually varicose veins - varicose ones are where the valves start to fail and blood pools around them. Mostly happens in the lower leg, and you get visible bumps, rather than just the veins appearing near the surface. I wouldn't worry about it unless they do start to look lumpy or cause you pain. I'm not sure about preventative steps etc - a quick google search should give you some information though.