Hey there,
I'm sorry to hear about your predicament. I'm in a similiar situation. I'm not miserable per-se at Uni, but I'm having a bit of trouble coping with the intense workload of a Dual Honours Degree. I think it's perfectly natural. Remember, things don't necessarily settle down after 4 months, perhaps not even 6 months. Everything does take time - remember this decision albeit you may not want to face this, will change the course of your life.
My personal advice would be not to drop out. And that's coming from a person that understands what you're going through. Remember you are sharing a flat. Sure, okay, you have your differences and don't get on with any of them particularly well but it's not the end of the world. There's only 11 people in your flat. In halls, or societies or clubs there's loads of people you can meet. So make sure you remember if you don't find a friend in your flatmates, there's a friend for you somewhere else.
Stick it out, get yourself invovled in some of your societies or clubs and you'll be fine. Chin up. If you need any more advice or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to PM me.