The Student Room Group

Axilla Crutches

I also posted this thread in the healthcare section - but I thought a doc might be able to give an answer too.....

When one of my uni mates went on a half day placement they got talking about axilla crutches and the physio told her that they were illegal now............does anyone know if this is the case? I'm just intrigued more than anything...........I know there have been reports of neurological problems as aresult of compression of the axilla and as a result people chose to give out elbow cructhes.......but i was just wondering if anyone knew if they definitely banned.......

Just curious
Reply 1
I also posted this thread in the healthcare section - but I thought a doc might be able to give an answer too.....

When one of my uni mates went on a half day placement they got talking about axilla crutches and the physio told her that they were illegal now............does anyone know if this is the case? I'm just intrigued more than anything...........I know there have been reports of neurological problems as aresult of compression of the axilla and as a result people chose to give out elbow cructhes.......but i was just wondering if anyone knew if they definitely banned.......

Just curious

They're not illegal, they just cause more problems than they cure.
Reply 2
From personal experience, axilla crutches are evil! I broke a bone in my foot after spraining my ankle a few months ago and was given axilla crutches. I lasted 3 days before i went back to A&E and demanded elbow crutches! Elbow crutches use a lot less energy, they are less painful and they let you move around quicker! You can also drop down to 1 as soon as you can weight bear a bit rather than having both arms occupied with axilla crutches! So... if i ever repeat my injury i will deffo be asking for elbow crutches!
Reply 3
From personal experience, axilla crutches are evil! I broke a bone in my foot after spraining my ankle a few months ago and was given axilla crutches. I lasted 3 days before i went back to A&E and demanded elbow crutches! Elbow crutches use a lot less energy, they are less painful and they let you move around quicker! You can also drop down to 1 as soon as you can weight bear a bit rather than having both arms occupied with axilla crutches! So... if i ever repeat my injury i will deffo be asking for elbow crutches!

Blimey. I wasn't aware that any Trusts actually routimely used them. I did a 2 week physio SSM last year, and the Physios were saying that the Trust they worked for hardly ever uses them, as there aren't many (if any) instances where there use is indicated over that of elbow crutches...
Reply 4
Hey im going to sound quite dumb i think but what are they? are the the old fashioned sort that go in your armpit? when i dislocated my knee cap i had those and they are reeeeeeally painfull after a bit, i just walked around on the cast lol
I didnt think of going and getting other crutches cos i assumed the doctors knew what they were doing:rolleyes: .. then my friend gave me some elbow crutches (if they are the ones i think they are) and they are soooo much nicer lol
Reply 5
Hey im going to sound quite dumb i think but what are they? are the the old fashioned sort that go in your armpit? when i dislocated my knee cap i had those and they are reeeeeeally painfull after a bit, i just walked around on the cast lol
I didnt think of going and getting other crutches cos i assumed the doctors knew what they were doing:rolleyes: .. then my friend gave me some elbow crutches (if they are the ones i think they are) and they are soooo much nicer lol

yeah they are...................personally I had enough trouble with elbow cructhes and that was with just breaking my toe lol!