The Student Room Group


My neck, shoulders and the top of my back are very sore, and quite 'tight.' Someone said to me that it is probably because I am very tense alot of the time, which obviously tenses my muscles up, they suggested that having a massage might help.

Can anyone suggest anywhere (I'm in Nottingham.) Also, does anyone know roughly how much it would cost and how long it would take. Assuming that it would help, would it help after one 'session' do you think or would I need to go more often.

Any other suggestions people have would be great!
Reply 1
jes get ur mum/sis/best friend to do it

its not difficult :smile: and only takes about 10 minutes to feel about 100 times more relaxed if u have been tense
I remember my neck and shoulders used to hurt because of sitting down at the desk in an awkward position for hours...i still get pain grr.

But, as said above, yea, normally you can ask a friend or family member to give you a quick massage it's not that difficult, it REALLY helps from what I've found! :smile: