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do you vomit food you've eaten?
Reply 2
Bulimia isn't a size, are you concerned about your weight or not eating enough?
Reply 3
Bulimia is a condition where you make yourself sick to avoid digesting meals. You would know if you did it.

There is nothing wrong with being a size 8, everyone is different and has different metabolic rates.

My sister is a size 6, I'm a size 12. Everyone is different.
You're only bulimic if you binge on food then vomit it up due to beleiveing it will stop you putting on weight.
I am size 8-10 and I've never done this. And I eat lots of food :smile: Some people are just naturally skinny.
Don't worry about your size, as long as you eat healthily and exercise a bit (not excessively) you'll be great :smile:
Reply 5
Bulimia is a condition where you make yourself sick to avoid digesting meals. You would know if you did it.

There is nothing wrong with being a size 8, everyone is different and has different metabolic rates.

My sister is a size 6, I'm a size 12. Everyone is different.
I didn't even know they made clothes in size 6.

I'm size 8 and not bulimic.
Reply 6
Why are you asking if you're bulimic or not, you know if you're bulimic or not, unless you're doing it in your sleep. Size 8 isnt bulimic both my sisters are size 8 and my mum is a size 6 and they all eat tons of food. People can be naturally skinny.
Reply 7
Sometime I have meal at around 2pm because i'm still Hungry. I've only ever vomit after eatting twice when I was ill but that not bulimic . Maybe you like me?
Reply 8
I've only ever vomit after eatting twice when I was ill but that not bulimic . Maybe you like me?
Maybe that explains it.
Reply 9
Is size 8 Bulimia?
Size 8 is a dress size. Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological disorder, an intense fear of becoming fat. It is characterised by deliberately throwing up food and often using diet pills, cigarettes and exercise to control hunger and weight loss.

If you have an obsession with your weight and use extreme methods to control it then you may be bulimic or anorexic. If you're just skinny then you probably have a fast metabolism and could eat like a horse and not get fat. Tell your girlfriend to research bulimia and (unless you do have the symptoms I described) she will quickly realise you aren't suffering from it.
Reply 10
Bulimics don't even necessarily have to be especially thin, it's different with anorexia, but when you're bulimic, you might look perfectly normal. Your size definitely cannot determine your medical condition. I used to be anorexic and I am still rather skinny. I'm a size 6 now, but I am nowhere near as thin as I used to be. And I don't think size 6 is that little even, so don't worry about size 8, sounds healthy to me :smile:
Reply 11
You can have bulimia at any size... bulimia is characterised by periods of binging (eating excessive amounts of food) followed by purging (throwing it up) or various combinations of starving, laxative abuse, excessive exercise in order to "get rid" of the excess food. Because of that bulimics often maintain a normal weight, or go up or down in weight in successive short periods. Did your friend give any reasons for thinking that you are bulimic?
size 8, is not bulimia, it can't be.... like the people above me said.

i'm a size 8, so its just your size, like everyone is different
Reply 13
I didn't even know they made clothes in size 6.

In Gap I've seen dresses in a size 2. :eek:

To the OP: you're not bulimic unless you deliberately vomit after eating in order to lose weight. As others have said: it's a condition, not a dress size. But I know how you feel. Lot's of people assume I'm anorexic because I'm a size 4/6. I simply have a small bone structure and a fast metabolism. The same probably applies to you. Size 8 is a perfectly healthy size to be. :smile:
Reply 14
Gap size 2 is in American sizes and corresponds to an English size 6, i believe
Size 8 is a healthy size, providing that you're eating properly. I'm a size 8/10 but that's because I'm not v. tall...
I'm a size 8 and I eat like a pig, just down to metabolism
My girlfriend thinks I am.:frown:

I can't be arsed to read the other posts, but bulimia is when you purposefully make yourself vomit after eating a meal as you think that the food would make you fat, it's not just being thin.
Reply 19
I assume she means anorexia.