The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Please read my thread? Somebody?
yeah!!! I am like tjhis...when I have pms I just a toatly differen person and I cant help it!!! just cant and I dont want to be like this, I am just so agressive and irritatible when I have pms and it hurts all ppl around me who loves and cares about me and whom I love and care too :frown:
ahh the joys of womanhood. Everyone loves me when my period is due. I have all the empathy and patience of a fart in a wind-tunnel.

Lord forbid my boyfriend snores (or breathes too loudly for that matter) bless him. I just warn people these days they tend to be nice to me :smile:
Reply 4
i started a thread like this earlier today... i thought it was only me going out of mind.. but thank goodness thats not the case. Does it feel to you like your body is being taken over by someone else and you have no control over...

My poor b/f has to put up some grief from me cos i turn into the bitch from hell. I feel very low about myself.. feel like ive put on 5 stones over night, come out with bad spots (just when there is a night out planned) and feel like you need to punch someone. Another bad thing is that I stopped smoking last month but reallllllllly wanna smoke now, (not gonna though). Am happily compensating with chocolate.
Reply 5
Hmmm...I don't think I'm that bad, although I do tend to cry at absolutely everything, which gets annoying. I'm 17, I'm grumpy most of the time anyway.
Reply 6
I become a right bitch, i'm pretty horrible when i have pms. i become overly emotional, and i think far to much and i dunno, i become really down aswell and nine times out of ten i need a really good cry...
one minute i can be really really nice and then im horrible or emotional or something. i hate pms :frown:
Reply 7
i used to get angry during pms time.. everything annoyed the hell out of me and i think most people learnt to avoid me around this time.

saying that, since i have been on the pill, my mood swings have pretty much disappeared.. i used to be really edgy at least two weeks before my period, but now i'm pretty much ok :smile: whey.
I'm a right b*tch around my period, it's a wonder I still have any friends! Sometimes I just sit in my room and cry for no reason, or for something stupid like not being able to find something. My family know best to leave me alone at times like this :wink: PMS sucks!
Reply 9
i notice annoying thing when i have pms like people chewing! its so strange
Reply 10
The pill makes my PMS worse! It was either that or my last pill which made me have PMS all the way through the month, so sod that.
i used to be rly rly bad, but since being on the pill its fine
Reply 12
i took myself off the pill, might go back on it cause well... yeah
The pill makes my PMS worse! It was either that or my last pill which made me have PMS all the way through the month, so sod that.

i used to be on "ovranette" and that made me unbearable
but my doc put me on a pill with the least side effects - yasmin
and its brill, i get next to no pms and my periods r really light.
i dont think i get particularly emotional or angry etc than i am normally, but i do feel incredibly bloated and fat
Reply 15
Now you know how us lads feel 24/7 :/
Reply 16
I was pure evil to live with when i was on the injection, everyone hated me because i was constantly snapping for no reason, crying for no reason and getting angry at anything!

Since ive gone on the pill..ive barely had an problems with PMS or moods.. Go to your doc..theres things they can do to help! :smile:
i notice annoying thing when i have pms like people chewing! its so strange