The Student Room Group

I don't think I do enough exercise

I do very little exercise - apart from walking to and from school, and sometimes (very rarely) playing netball twice a week, I don't do anything! However - its about a mile each way to school, so that's 2 miles daily...does this sound really unhealthy? I don't really have the time (or the money!) to go the gym regularly, and jogging, when it's this cold at the moment, really doesn't sound appealing! I eat pretty well, no junk food and lots of I'm not overweight, could probably lose a few pounds I sound really unhealthy?
Reply 1
You sound fine to me! 2 Miles a day is pretty good going, much more than most people, and seeing as you eat well, you cant be that bad. If you really feel the need to lose a few more pounds though, just do some push ups etc. around the house every night, it helps :smile:
Reply 2
You sound fine to me.
Reply 3
sorry but i don't buy the cold thing. if someone paid you a million quid to jog for a month outside then i'm sure you would. just wear lots of layers.
Sounds not too bad to me. AS suggested if you are worried just do a little routine of some sit-ups and push ups in the morning and evening.
Reply 5
Are you joking or what?

I walk about 25 steps a day, and i eat a load of crap - i think ive had a pizza every day for lunch for the last month. Im not fat tho but i will start getting fat soon. The reason for this is becuase im a college dropout bum (3rd college year) and i have no job, im on the dole, all i do is drink and smoke weed (not so much now - dole is crap money) and im waiting til sept to go to uni.

Now who looks unhealthy?
Are you joking or what?

I walk about 25 steps a day, and i eat a load of crap - i think ive had a pizza every day for lunch for the last month. Im not fat tho but i will start getting fat soon. The reason for this is becuase im a college dropout bum (3rd college year) and i have no job, im on the dole, all i do is drink and smoke weed (not so much now - dole is crap money) and im waiting til sept to go to uni.

Now who looks unhealthy?

:ditto: i've never been into keeping fit, hate all sports (i've tried so many!) though the resaon i'm still alive is becasue i double up on my veggies
well i dont like veggies. the most exersise i do is in bed and ive skipped lunch and breakfast cos there is no food in the house sept the pringles im snacking on. despite this im still fine. all this healthyness stuff is a load of bull. *u will not fall down dead if u dont follow the whole healthy living ideal* tho i admit it is good for u.
high priestess fnord
well i dont like veggies. the most exersise i do is in bed and ive skipped lunch and breakfast cos there is no food in the house sept the pringles im snacking on. despite this im still fine. all this healthyness stuff is a load of bull. *u will not fall down dead if u dont follow the whole healthy living ideal* tho i admit it is good for u.

lol i can't help exaggerating! :biggrin:
Thats more than I do! Well, I do walk to uni five days a week, half an hour each way so I guess thats OK, but Im a lazy gal at long as you eat well, etc etc what you're doing is ab.fine :smile:
I don't do alot either, hopefully in the summer i can do a bit more
Reply 12
Well I used to do quite a bit more exercise - admittedly I'm walking more now I changed schools, but I used to play more sports and go to the gym...and I have put on loads of weight since now and last year :frown::frown: Grr I don't like being as slim as I used to be!

Man, I must sound so arrogant and pathetic! :smile:
I don't do alot either, hopefully in the summer i can do a bit more

Why, what's gonna change for you in the summer?
Reply 14
I think you sound fine to me. you do much more than alot of people I know! Gentle exercise is better than no exercise at all although jogging is good for you and the weather being cold is not an excuse. Just do 10mins warm up in the house and then go outside for 20mins jog. You'll heat up pretty quickly after a few mins!

If you really don't want to brave the cold, then I guess you can get an aerobics DVD. I got the Carmen Electra one, its really good work out! plus you can see carmen elecctra sweat, wheeze and struggle with some of the moves teehee!!:p: