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Has anyone had any experience with these devices? I am quite intrigued to be honest, seems like the kind of exercise you can do whilst mindlessly browsing TSR. Does anyone know if they provide decent results or are they just some stupid health fad? From what I've heard thus far, the former.

Reply 1
Well i wont be investing in one.
Reply 2
I don't suppose they are the kind of thing you would invest in unless you had good reason to, so fair enough.
Reply 3

Has anyone had any experience with these devices? I am quite intrigued to be honest, seems like the kind of exercise you can do whilst mindlessly browsing TSR. Does anyone know if they provide decent results or are they just some stupid health fad? From what I've heard thus far, the former.


I don't know about it but it looks pretty good to me, I remember seeing one thing where the put some strange rubber thing around the persons chest to make it harder for them to breathe and it had pretty good results. I didn't read the article on the concept2 website but if it says they are good I would probably trust them, I like rowing machines.

EDIT: Maybe it isn't good and I wouldn't trust what I have said as I don't know much but I thought it looked cool.
Reply 4
I don't know about it but it looks pretty good to me, I remember seeing one thing where the put some strange rubber thing around the persons chest to make it harder for them to breathe and it had pretty good results. I didn't read the article on the concept2 website but if it says they are good I would probably trust them, I like rowing machines.

Yeah, it was the Concept II review that impressed me.
Reply 5
Sounds intriguing to me - going to high altitude has a comparable effect as you need to breathe deeper to get the required amount of oxygen, and from having done that I would say it works wonders! I might consider investing myself...any idea on costs?
Reply 6
You can get different grades. Cheapest I've found is around £36 (all grades are the same price). R.R.P. is £50 I think....
I think I'd go for the Sports grade one....
Reply 7
yea...I think everyone would to be honest....hope they're silent though, then it'd be good for infront of the telly :biggrin:
Reply 8
That's the kind of thing I was thinking when I first saw them.... you could just wander about the house or watch TV with it in your mouth and you'd be improving your breathing. Unless it's actually quite hard work breathing on them, in which case you might become breathless after a while.
Reply 9
well - becoming breathless is better for me than constant hard work. I do sprint cycling and am looking to improve my longevity (i'm obscenely unfit at present because of injuries, so rehabilitation could be beneficial too), but If I could improve my basic lung power this would be a great bonus.

You should also take a look at the powerball - thats what I use on my arms and although it is a bit gimmicky, it really works! (I injured my right hand, so it was useful for a bit of rehab too...but it builds arm muscles surprisingly quickly, which have been notoriously hard to do for me...)
Reply 10
well - becoming breathless is better for me than constant hard work. I do sprint cycling and am looking to improve my longevity (i'm obscenely unfit at present because of injuries, so rehabilitation could be beneficial too), but If I could improve my basic lung power this would be a great bonus.

You should also take a look at the powerball - thats what I use on my arms and although it is a bit gimmicky, it really works! (I injured my right hand, so it was useful for a bit of rehab too...but it builds arm muscles surprisingly quickly, which have been notoriously hard to do for me...)

Yeah, I have a Powerball, but thanks. :biggrin:
I tend to keep it in my right hand too much, don't balance it out between the two enough. I lost that stupid bit of red string that comes with it, so now I need to start it up by rolling it along the floor!
Reply 11
haha - yea, I was worried about that, hence why mine gets packed up in its box after every use...

mine is extremely sexy and lights up too though :biggrin:
Reply 12
The theory behind it is a load of **** really, they reckon that during a 2k your actual breathing muscles experience fatigue which affects ur performance - the only problem with that is that your breathing muscles work non-stop and have been for the whole of your life, they're almost as resistant to fatigue as your heart muscle(which never fatigues) so I don't really see how its going to help.

That said, I have used it, and it does make you feel like you can breath better etc. but more likely to be a placebo affect than anything else.

I wouldn't use it if I were you, if I were an Olympian training for that extra 0.1second in my performance than I'd maybe try it out, other than that its absolutely not worth the money.
I have got one and it feels like it helps - like imasillynarb said though it may be a placebo effect more that it actually working. I think you do need to do it regulary though, and do the amount that it says. I think mine was about £38ish including postage.

I bought the red (sports) one, and started fairly low on it and then moved it higher as it got easier. I think unless you are likely to have a big problem with it (bad asthma etc) the red one is probably best as you can start at the bottom and move up wereas you may already be high on one of the others and not be able to move it much higher.

It does take about 2mins ish to do the 30 breaths that it says (do them twice a day) and it is fairly quite, you can hear a bit of a click as the valve in it opens and closes. It feels pretty easy to start with but it obviously gets harder as you get nearer the 30 (and as you turn it up.) You need to make sure that you do take deep breaths in and hear the valve click and hold the breath in and let it out like it says in the booklet. It is easy to take shallow breathes and not do them properly.

Hope that helps abit and isn't all waffle. Feel free to ask if there is anything else you want to know!