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Reply 1
Depends upon the couple really.. Depends upon a million things actually! Lifestyle, free time, how much time you have together etc..
Reply 2
I'm asking because my BF calls me "the weekend girlfriend", so it's once or twice every weekend.
Reply 3
Right now? None.
Reply 4
Everyday would be my ideal. At least once a day.

Some people, however, are not up to the challenge.
Reply 5
Before February about 2/3 times a day but this month has been so busy and stressful its been much less than that.:frown:
Reply 6
I reckon if you see each other most days then most days is probably appropriate lol.. If you live together im guessing its less? Do couples have sex less when they live together compared to living apart? :redface:
Reply 7
Everyday would be my ideal. At least once a day.

Some people, however, are not up to the challenge.

Typical bloody bloke! :p:

Yes, I've had this response from my BF. It's not possible though. I've discussed what could be acceptable before, and he's never budged.
Reply 8
You could do it, I dont understand why people's sex drives are mismatched. It destorys relationships! :P

Try a sex marathon, for all day one day. I'd like to do that but like I say, not many are up to the task. In fact, none so far :frown:
Reply 9
You could do it, I dont understand why people's sex drives are mismatched. It destorys relationships! :P

It's not a case of mismatched sex drives. I don't see him every day! I was just wondering what was normal for relationships where you're not living together?
Reply 10
girl afraid
How much sex do you think is acceptable for a long-term relationship on a weekly basis?

I didnt realise there was a acceptable number, if the couple are happy with eachother they can have sex as much as they like in one week
Reply 11
I dont think theres a normal amount for relationships. Everyones different. If when you see him and you want to have sex then have sex and if you dont then dont. Don't compare yourselves to other people
Reply 12
Hmmm. Maybe he was guilt-tripping me. :frown:
Reply 13
girl afraid
Hmmm. Maybe he was guilt-tripping me. :frown:

Why do you think that?? let me guess was he making out couples should do it a certain amount of time?
Reply 14
Why do you think that?? let me guess was he making out couples should do it a certain amount of time?


"Normal couples do it every day".
Reply 15
girl afraid

"Normal couples do it every day".

Thats ******** Basically like you say he was taking you on a guilt trip
Reply 16
Yep. Though this was ages ago.
Reply 17
girl afraid
Yep. Though this was ages ago.

Well its obviously been on your mind thoe for you to ask about it
Reply 18
Well its obviously been on your mind thoe for you to ask about it

Nah. I had problems with my libido at the time, as I've been unwell, and it's not so easy to give head with a thyroid problem. That's probably too much info, but I like to trivialise harsh times! Everything's how it should be now, and it's actually me who's beginning to think the weekly sex session at the weekend isn't enough!
Reply 19
girl afraid
Nah. I had problems with my libido at the time, as I've been unwell, and it's not so easy to give head with a thyroid problem. That's probably too much info, but I like to trivialise harsh times! Everything's how it should be now, and it's actually me who's beginning to think the weekly sex session at the weekend isn't enough!

Yeah that was to much info