The Student Room Group

Another guy problem thread

Heya sorry for yet another guy issue thread but I'm seriously confused, right theres this guy who's one my best mates and he told me a few weeks ago he really fancies me, I came out of a relationship couple months back and have spent lots time with this guy, we go out on saturday nights with mates and last week kissed which we both admitted was what we wanted. I went round his the next day and he acted like nothing had happened, yet on msn he was like 'i really want us to be togther', anyway ive told him i wanna see him this weekend to sort things out and recently hes been really distant and hardly speaks to me :confused:
Do I keep perseverering with him or leave things and forget it?
Perhaps he's trying to play it cool- just keep doing what u doing and if theres still a problem in a several days then he justaint worth it luv
I'm in a kinda similar situation so any info would be appreciated by me too:biggrin:
Go out at the weekend and sort it out.
Reply 4
Go out at the weekend and sort it out.

Yeah hopefully he'll talk to me if I turn up at his house :biggrin:
Reply 5
I think you should go to his house and try to sort out what's going on.

There are so many possible reasons for why he would suddenly start acting offish with you... he has got freaked out by the potential for a relationship/ he's trying to play it cool/ he has gone off you (sorry but it's possible :redface: ).

If you're anything like me, you'll be thinking about all these "what ifs" and possible scenarios which can be really frustrating :frown: . So go round and find out from the horses mouth. Bad or good, it'll be better than not knowing :smile: :tsr2:
Reply 6
I think you should go to his house and try to sort out what's going on.

There are so many possible reasons for why he would suddenly start acting offish with you... he has got freaked out by the potential for a relationship/ he's trying to play it cool/ he has gone off you (sorry but it's possible :redface: ).

If you're anything like me, you'll be thinking about all these "what ifs" and possible scenarios which can be really frustrating :frown: . So go round and find out from the horses mouth. Bad or good, it'll be better than not knowing :smile: :tsr2:

Good advice thank you :smile: It's got kinda confusing now because one his mates keeps flirting with me and said he kinda has a thing for me, I spend more time thime talking to this guy now recently as the guy I like has kinda vanished but I don't wanna appear to have given up on him and prefer his mate! Grrrrr Guys
Reply 7
i think he feels inner confusion/shyness about his feelings. show him you care
I'd ssay have it out with him and tell him hes gotta decide what he wants.
Reply 9
Well update time, saw him on sat night and told him how I feel and he admitted the same, he kissed me a lot which was lovely and we were both ahppy, next thing I know he tells me he will brb, Turns out he went home :frown: Why! I tried to see him before went back to uni but he feels ill apprently, I really don't get him
I'd leave it. If a guy says he likes you then doesn't bother it seems u were just a stop-gap kinda girl

...or he could have confidence problem, you know him, is he a ladies man?
hmmmmm again i'd say have it out with him saying do you want this or not, chances are he could well have more than 1 girl on the go
Reply 12
Hes the shyest guy I know and hes never had a gf, in fact apprenelty I was the first person he kissed (last sat) which makes me think he does like me but is just shy but I'm not sure, plus I've tried to talk to him but he's never on msn now, his phones off most the time and im back at uni now so cant knock for him
well either he's afraid of getting too close or he's just pretending to be shy.
Reply 14
i've always wanted to be one of those idiots who ask:

are you a guy or a girl?
Reply 15
A girl :smile:
Decided might as well leave it to him, he knows how I feel bout him and if he wants something to happen he can decide instead me looking desperate :frown: