The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Surely suitcases are required to get all your clothes there...
Reply 2
I'm obsessed with bags, so I'm not an average sample.

But I took my Ralph Lauren bag, my 2 Lulu Guinness bags, 2 casual over the shoulder bags from Asda big enough to put folders and things in, my handmade bag I bought in York, my other handmade bag I bought in York and probably loads more. I had a drawer fll of them!
Reply 3
LOL......nooooo, I meant like school bags!! U know....what do u take ur books, pens, writing pads, calculators,!

I'm looking at buying a laptop messenger bag................but will it be enough!?
Reply 4
Sainsbury's bag for life.

What else does anyone need?
Bubblegum pink Jansport backpack, was €30 in Ireland (thats about £20 give or take I think). Size wise its ok but a pain having to get it off my back everytime I want to get my wallet out. So I'm on the hunt for a cute messenger style one now...
Reply 6
I have a "Jansport Lapstation" rucksack for when I need to carry my Powerbook around. It provides excellent protection as the laptop is suspended inside the bag and therefore never touches the ground if you set the bag down. Very sturdy and superb padding and it also does not look at all like you would have a laptop inside. They are £90 new but I picked one up for £15 of ebay. Other makes to consider are Tom Bihn, Pakuma, STM and Crumpler. These manufacturers are make bags which do not look like laptop bags or cases therefore there is less chance it being grabbed on you. I did a lot of research myself before buying and just waited until one of the above brands were cheap on ebay as you do need to buy a well padded bag.
Reply 7
i have an old cat bag from my school days...before that my bro used it for a while. must be about 7 years old and theres nothin wrong with it
Reply 8
I like a few of the bags on, but I wouldn't pay more then £40 for it.
Reply 9
I second the jansport lapstation- few of my mates have them and they're good bags.

Myself i've got a jansport processor (laptop bag), mountainsmith nacho daypack, berghaus anteus 65l backpack and a 100+l adidas holdall.

Jansport bags aren't cheap but are well worth the investment.
Reply 10
I have a couple of oversized handbags that i can fit my folder in if i need to. i usually just take a normal handbag, and carry paper and the few notes ill need. i hate lugging loads of stuff round with me, so i only take what im going to need for the lecture.
I took a Targus laptop bag, which is very useful when I take teh thing anywhere. Other than that, I have a reproduction army rucksack, about twelve inches square of khaki canvas, that I've converted itno a satchel after my 5-year-old and dependable Berghaus rucksack finally gave up the ghost...

It cost baout £9, and is pretty unlikely to break... the only problem is when it rains i have to put the contents in carrier bags as the bag isn't waterproof.
i have 1 of those army bags... a purple one which i've drawn pretty patterns on :smile:
it did break though, when i carried loads in it. The fabric around the bit attatching the strap ripped :frown: but i sewed it back on & its been fine since...

TK maxx are good for bags. The quicksilver/billabong etc. rucksacks that are normally about 20quid, can be found for about a tenner.
There's loads of nice shoulder bags aswell, always have to stop myself buying them :p: