The Student Room Group

Smelly belly button...but it's not pierced?

Sorry this is a bit gross peeps :frown:

I don't have my bellybutton pierced or anything and I don't poke at it but every so often it has a yellowish discharge (kinda like runny pus I guess) that smells absolutely...euuuuggggghhh! I clean it gently with cotton wool and after a few days it goes away...then it comes back a week or two later.

I went to my GP about it a few years ago and he wasn't bothered....I don't think it's going to kill me but wondered if anyone else has ever had something like it??

Thanks guys n gals

PS: Posting anonymous cos it's well gross...
Reply 1
Wash it more. If that really is pus from your belly button it would mean it's got some kind of infection.
Reply 2
Sounds like some kind of infection. Maybe a fungus-type :confused:
Reply 3
Well I wash it everyday when I shower (twice most days) but obviously I don't go poking in it with a toothbrush or anything. I thought it might be fungal but it's happened on and off for years now. I've googled it and never found anything, was hoping someone else here might have had the same!
Reply 4
I think you can get the same kind of infection under your finger nails, smells really horrible huh
Reply 5
i have never heard of that, how unusual. i reakon if its bothering u go to the doctor again u could ask to see a different doctor. or look it up in the family medical book if you have one
Reply 6
Salt water.
Always salt water.
It won't necessarily fix the problem's cause, but it'll keep it clean until your doctor sits up and takes notice.