The Student Room Group


Since my periods started, they've always been really irregular (no periods for 2-3 months at times). Also, I get pretty bad PMS with them. Mum always said that she thinks I get such bad PMS because of the long gaps between periods (shes in the medical proffesion, but she was just speculating). Last year, around this time, I was on the pill Loestrin 20. I had to come off after 6 months because of breakthrough bleeding, but they made me feel so much better. I didn't get the uncontrollable urge to cry just because somoene phoned me 10 minutes later than they said they would. I wouldn't throw a huge tantrum just because someone didn't offer me a cup of tea. Anyway.. About 6 months ago, I started taking the pill again, marvelon this time. But the PMS is back. I've not made a huge amount of good friends at uni, and I'm scared of loosing the ones I've got. I keep getting very very upset at night, thinking noone actually cares, I'm boring, I'm horrible etc. Then I wake up in the morning and think "Why did I have that reaction? Why did I get so upset?". I'm really worried about loosing what few friends I have, due to my moods. I'm really scared at shouting at my flatmates, too. My family can handle it, other people shouldn't have to put up with me shouting at them for no reason. So, basically... Any advice on what I can do to help with these emotions? Are different pills likely to have any effect? Should I try and change my diet? Mum used to give me Evening Primrose which I can't remember if it worked.. Other peoples opinions?!
I don't know the solution- you will have to go to your GP for that. I'm guessing it is the brand of pill you are on that is causing bad PMS.... I'm not too sure though!!

I just wanted to let you know I'm going through a similar thing. Gone to uni & not made many friends- yeah it kinda sucks & gets me down a lot & it makes me paranoid. I think I'm a crap person but then I realise I am probably the only person who thinks that. If friends do get offended by your 'moods' just explain- I am sure they will understand! They wouldn't be your friend if they didn't like you.....

Good luck & if you ever wanna chat lemme know. xx
Reply 2
firstly try taking a different type of pill? i know lots of people who agree that microgynon is v good. i have become a bit more moody since being on it but it has killed my cramps completely.

secondly girls love bonding over this kind of problem, so you could try just chatting to your flatmates about it. then you can kill 2 birds with one stone (sorry about the figure of speech)

good luck, it will get better - keep going back to the GP till you get it sorted - it is their job to make you better xxx
Reply 3
Thanks for your replies! I don't get awful cramps, and I would much rather have them than even more mood swings to be honest. I always thought the first pill most girls were put on is microgynon anyway, and as I wasn't put on it at first.. I'm also wondering.. Is it the pill thats giving me the PMS again? I mean, I was far happier last year than I am now (much more secure in my surroundings etc) and so that could be why I'm noticing it. Also, I wish I could discuss it with my flatmates. I live with 2 other girls, and 3 boys. The boys like to avoid the issue entirely, and I don't get on with 1 of the girls. The other one isn't very good at discussing this kind of thing with.. I wouldn't feel comfortable. But its boys that get to me. One of my best friends here at uni, is male, and I keep wanting to throw massive hissy fits about how insensitive and rude and.. Completely irrationally! Also, my male flatmates, they just add fuel to the fire. When they see I'm annoyed, they carry on winding me up so I want to cry. I've tried telling them, but being boys, they don't quite get it. They seem to make very little allowance for what time of the month it is, and so feel its my own fault for getting so angry with them!
Reply 4
Different pills have such a wide range of effects as there are so many of them. I'm on Dianette, it's wonderful :smile: Go and have a chat to your GP :smile:
Some tablets (depends on the person) can cause you to be more moody than usual, yeah. :smile:
Reply 6
How old are you? I'm guessing since you're at uni you're abuot 18 or 19- in which case I'd go to the doctor and ask about polycystic ovarian syndrome. I'm not saying you've got it, but by the time I was 18 and had been back for the third time about still having a totally erratic and sometimes non-existent cycle, the doctor sent me for a scan and blood test and confirmed I had it. She put me on Microgynon and since then it's been a lot better. Just a diagnosis put my mind at rest. Worth a shot maybe?