The Student Room Group
Reply 1
help 3 weeks to finish psychology cw and ive not even done the experiment yet which i have to write 2 letters to schools. ive also got other coursework and its all too much.
soz 4 complaining but is any1 else like this :frown:

Yep. I have one week left to do a piece of english coursework, a long, boring piece of maths coursework and psychology coursework. :rolleyes:
help 3 weeks to finish psychology cw and ive not even done the experiment yet which i have to write 2 letters to schools. ive also got other coursework and its all too much.
soz 4 complaining but is any1 else like this :frown:

Two essays, some psychology homework and history coursework to complete tommorow. :smile: so looking forward to it.