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I hate my girlfriends job!

Let me set the scene,my girlfriend is a newly qualified flight attendent (hold your horses lads its not all its cracked up to be) with the BA. She found out last summer that she was going to start training at the start of this year. When I found out I really wasnt over the moon about it, mainly because of uni and other things I see little of her as it is. Now she had her first flight this week and she has been called to fly tonight. With the way that uni and her flights are I am not going to see her for almost two weeks!

I really dont like this job at all. Yet I dont want to tell her because I know how much she says she wants the job (even if she moaned about it today). The net is littered with stories with stewardess' getting it on while "down route" and basically getting drunk and screwing around behind their boyfriends back.

Anybody got any experience of dealing with this sort of thing?


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Reply 1
Two weeks? Big deal dude. I thought you were going to say you weren't going to see her for six months or something.
Reply 2
so basically, you just found out you have no direct control over your girlfriend's life and will have to do strange new things like "trust her"? And dude, two weeks is nothing
Seriously...what do you think her response is likely to be if you say "baby I love you but I don't like your new job so go work in Tesco or summat so I can see you when I'm free from uni" ?? Really.

Ok it's not ideal but it's her life....and life is very long, far beyond the bf you had when you were 21 or something. So although you're not happy about it and I'm assuming she'll miss you a wee bit while she's jetting round the world - it's the chance of a lifetime. If you care for her and her happiness suck it up.

The more time you spend apart the more special the time together will be - focus on that rather than her rogering the business class boys in the airplane loos - that's really insulting to her and your relationship because not all girls are like that :rolleyes:
Reply 4
Hey there,

Don't worry about your girlfriend seeing other blokes whilst doing her job. To be honest you'll just need to trust her, and after all, isn't that what a relationship is about (along with other things)?

Regarding not seeing her for 2 weeks...hmm...I would say it's not that long, to be honest. All I can really say is be thankful you don't both live on the other side of the world. In that situation, it'd be months (if not years) rather than weeks!

I got 2 weeks without seeing my girlfriend but when i see her it's extra special, seriously if you love her and she loves you she'll be back for you.
It might be a little hard to get used to at first, but you'll learn to look forward to the times she is home. You may be feeling a bit insecure - fair enough, but try if you can to put those feelings aside - if you love her, you'll be able to.
Reply 7
Let me set the scene,my girlfriend is a newly qualified flight attendent (hold your horses lads its not all its cracked up to be) with the BA. She found out last summer that she was going to start training at the start of this year. When I found out I really wasnt over the moon about it, mainly because of uni and other things I see little of her as it is. Now she had her first flight this week and she has been called to fly tonight. With the way that uni and her flights are I am not going to see her for almost two weeks!

I really dont like this job at all. Yet I dont want to tell her because I know how much she says she wants the job (even if she moaned about it today). The net is littered with stories with stewardess' getting it on while "down route" and basically getting drunk and screwing around behind their boyfriends back.

Anybody got any experience of dealing with this sort of thing?


my ex went to become a holiday rep after graduating and wanted to know if I'd still go out with her for the 6 months she was away, knowing that i'd only get to see her once for a couple of days in that time. Couple that with the fact she'd had a random one night stand in the past.

Would she have cheated. I don't believe there's any doubt she would have. I therefore told her it was over.
No just becuase she's gonna be away for a bit doesn't mean to say she will cheat
No just becuase she's gonna be away for a bit doesn't mean to say she will cheat

Very true, I've been doing long distance for over a year and I would NEVER cheat - I know some people do cheat and its inexcusable, you must talk to her about this though.
Reply 10
Your at uni yeah? I really don't think you can talk, it's not her problem you are at uni. What do you want her to do anyway, sit at home twiddling her thumbs? Lol.
very true ames he made the chose to go to Uni, either make an effort to make it work or talk about it and break it off, the choice is his, i think he'd be foolish to break up i mean it's 2 weeks, i'm sure she will be faithful if she loves him.
As Laura also said anyone who cheats is pathetic, if your gonna go off with someone else least have the decency to end it first.
So your gf is doing flight attendant studies then?
Reply 13
Two weeks? Sorry to say it but boo hoo. Thats the best I can do with my girlfriend during uni term. You should consider yourself lucky its not longer.

I would never cheat on her and I know she would never cheat on me. Its called trust.
Reply 14
I've screwed an attendant before. Whats her next flight?
I've screwed an attendant before. Whats her next flight?

That's not funny
Reply 16
very true ames he made the chose to go to Uni, either make an effort to make it work or talk about it and break it off, the choice is his, i think he'd be foolish to break up i mean it's 2 weeks, i'm sure she will be faithful if she loves him.
As Laura also said anyone who cheats is pathetic, if your gonna go off with someone else least have the decency to end it first.

Thought someone might have jumped down my throat or something lol!
Reply 17
Let me set the scene,my girlfriend is a newly qualified flight attendent (hold your horses lads its not all its cracked up to be) with the BA. She found out last summer that she was going to start training at the start of this year. When I found out I really wasnt over the moon about it, mainly because of uni and other things I see little of her as it is. Now she had her first flight this week and she has been called to fly tonight. With the way that uni and her flights are I am not going to see her for almost two weeks!

I really dont like this job at all. Yet I dont want to tell her because I know how much she says she wants the job (even if she moaned about it today). The net is littered with stories with stewardess' getting it on while "down route" and basically getting drunk and screwing around behind their boyfriends back.

Anybody got any experience of dealing with this sort of thing?


So this is more a trust issue than anything??? Sure you might hear these stories and some maybe true.
But it doesn't matter at the end of the day as im sure your girlfriend is not that sort of person,
and im sure you know that to deep down, if you dont then you got problems.
Reply 18
It's hard to be apart... but at this young age you have to put your own dreams first... as much as that can be difficult and seem selfish, its not.
Best thing to do is support her, she will appreciate that more.