The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Trim's always good :p: But I wouldn't recommend shaving it all off to guys... Maybe that's just me tho :p:
Reply 2
Yeah, I hear shaving it all off can be extremely painful when it grows back!
Reply 3
What are your thoughts about the amount of hair a guy has down below...what's too much? When does it need a trim? I'm considering trimming down there you see, that's why i am enquiring!

I'd say just trim it a bit making sure it's not too long. I think shaving it all off would look a bit strange on a guy, but that's just my oppinion, no offence to anyone.
Reply 4
I'd say just trim it a bit making sure it's not too long. I think shaving it all off would look a bit strange on a guy, but that's just my oppinion, no offence to anyone.

But on the plus side it can make it look bigger..
Reply 5
Leave some on. It is there for a reason :smile:.
Reply 6
But on the plus side it can make it look bigger..

But it doesn't make it actually bigger so I'm not sure it's worth it. The thought of it is slightly weird to me, tbh...
Reply 7
it feels horrible when it comes back as scratchy stuble. *LOU*
Reply 8
But it doesn't make it actually bigger so I'm not sure it's worth it. The thought of it is slightly weird to me, tbh...

True true..I cant imagine it. Seems.. Unatural I suppose.
Reply 9
good grooming is the way...

dont want a mess down there do you?
Reply 10
it does give some advantage when performing certain tasks :wink: *LOU*
Reply 11
yeah, trim's good. i agree with the others that shaving it all off would be kind of odd and very uncomfortable as it grows back... but yes, a little shorter does make some tasks more pleasant (*lucy lou* :p: ) shaving
Trim here and there would be adequate i'd have imagined.. :smile:
thats a thing that......why do guys prefer girls to shave it off completely when they themselves prefer trimming?!?! Shaving is a hassle and it itches when it goes back, etc etc, yada yada yada
thats a thing that......why do guys prefer girls to shave it off completely when they themselves prefer trimming?!?! Shaving is a hassle and it itches when it goes back, etc etc, yada yada yada

Not all guys prefer girls to do that..

It all depends on the individual.
I like it when guys shave it all off, it feels nicer at certain times lol. My Bf shaves it off already I wouldn't ask some1 to do that if they didnt want to.
Reply 17
Trim Man, Trim Like You've Never Trimmed Before.