The Student Room Group

Out of date medicine...

I've got a cold coming on so my flatmate gave me some of his Beechams flu plus hot lemon sachets. I've just made up a sachet and it tastes absolutely horrible (I've never had one before so they may just taste rank anyway). I was reading the packet and I've just noticed that on the bottom it says use by 10/2005...
Am I going to keel over and die? Maybe this is some kind of conspiracy against me by my flatmate...
Will it be ok to drink some more sachets later on? I don't know if I can be bothered to go to the shops and buy some more medicine and I'm feeling really ill.
I shouldn't imagine just one that is a few months gone will kill you but I wouldn't carry on taking them. I'd got get some more. I mean the lemon jobbies don't taste too hot but the blackcurrant ones are kinda ribenaish or just add lots of sugar/honey and anything else that takes your fancy! Just remember theyve got paracetamol in them so you have to add that to the tally if you're going to take any for any other aches and pains. Hope you feel better soon.
Reply 2
Thank you :smile:
Reply 3
Medicines have a best before date on them as the drugs they contain start to break down over time and so become less effective, there are also laws which mean food items can only have a certain length of life and I think medicines are included under this. Paracetamol shouldnt be too bad but with things like antibiotics they are much less stable and break down much quicker.
Reply 4
don't take anymore... but you'll be fine, especially as it isnt a serious medicine