The Student Room Group

This is getting ridiculous...

OK I know teenagers need lots of sleep...but surely this is not right?

Every time I sit down I feel so so tired - I've been jetlagged recently but that should have gone by now, and I don't have trouble sleeping at night, I just feel the need to sleep all the time! I've been missing music lessons, been late for school by oversleeping, slept practically all day today - this is not normal, surely! Anyone else like this? :confused:
being constantly tired could be a symptom of some illness or maybe you're just developing so need more sleep than usual? maybe see a doctor for a checkup...
Reply 2
Caffeine and plenty of it.

I would sleep all day too if there wasn't a window over my head. Any time I sit down I feel tired. I'd also go to sleep in lectures if I didn't sit in the front row or had my caffeine yet.
also, if you sleep all the time, why are you a member of the insomniacs society???
Reply 4
I drink loads of coffee though! It doesn't make any difference!! :confused:
Reply 5
also, if you sleep all the time, why are you a member of the insomniacs society???

That's why this is so weird! I used to be such a bad sleeper! And now....I dunno it makes no sense! :frown:
Reply 6
it's normal for teenages to need more sleep at different stages
Reply 7
That is true, but as the user said... this has come on recently.

I reckon you should possibly (just as a precaution, rather than a real possibility) think about whether you have any other symptomns of diabetes. This could be a blood sugar problem, which in the worst case, would stem from being diabetic.. So have a think as to whether it is in the family at all, or if it has been... and though its odd, consider whether you have been urinating more frequently since this began.

Other than that it could be a range of things, a simple habitual thing, stemming from additional sleeping to try and get over your jetlagged period, or possibly because teens are developing and sometimes need more sleep...

Try doing stuff that wakes you up. Go for a run round the block, or do some situps and get your heart rate going. Try not to sit on soft things too much. You'll be fine:biggrin:

take care!
OK I know teenagers need lots of sleep...but surely this is not right?

Every time I sit down I feel so so tired - I've been jetlagged recently but that should have gone by now, and I don't have trouble sleeping at night, I just feel the need to sleep all the time! I've been missing music lessons, been late for school by oversleeping, slept practically all day today - this is not normal, surely! Anyone else like this? :confused:

It could also be to do with your diet & vitamin intake. Not having enough vitamin B1 for example can make you feel exhausted all the time... perhaps you could try eating more things like liver (:puke:), rice, wholemeal foods, peanuts, pork, milk, things like that (if you don't eat enough of this stuff already). It's surprising what a difference a small change to your diet can make to the way you feel.

One of my sisters had a similar problem to you and it turned out she was anaemic, so it might be worth seeing your doctor as well :biggrin:
Reply 9
Yes, I was like that a couple of years ago and I found out I was anaemic too.
Reply 10
Start some cardio excercise.

I've heard of that site, but never used it as they charge fricking loads for the shipping costs as it's over from the USA. Still, I've tried some of that stuff as my friends have brought me back some of it from the US. :top:

PS. Why are you anonymously posting that link?
Reply 13
Angel Interceptor
I've heard of that site, but never used it as they charge fricking loads for the shipping costs as it's over from the USA. Still, I've tried some of that stuff as my friends have brought me back some of it from the US. :top:

PS. Why are you anonymously posting that link?

he's a closet geek! :rolleyes: