I'm In my final year of college and for a while now, i have just been counting down the days left untill I finish college.
I have been blamed by all my friends for something that i havent done (running off with a mates gf) and nothing i can say will change their minds. Mind you, most of them never liked me to start off with. Its been so bad for ages that there was only one person taht would hang around with me. Only the other day i found out that he only did it because he felt sorry for me and that he didnt really like me either.
The ex mate that i am supposed to have cheated on will not listen to me or even let me get my point across. He blames me for his now awful relationship with his gf just because me and her became friends and talked to each other over msn. Now all he is interested in doing is making my life as hard as possible. Hence why i have lost all the friends that i had. Its all resulted in me having no social life and just being a total outcast.
So this week i just decided to try and be friends with 3 other people in business studies (as it is a first year lesson and im a second year) and leave the others that i had been sitting with (this was greated with them all cheering). This ended up being a good decision, however they are only at our college for the 2 lessons of business studies that i have at the same time as me, plus they arent really people that are up for going out outside school. And as it is a small college, my ex mates know who i am now trying to be mates with and it wont be long untill they try spreading some story to them. I have already told them what the truth is and what my ex mates are likely to tell them but i still worry and as i only see them just twice a week in the same lesson, it still leaves me with the rest of the time at college on my own and as there is no one else to sit with, i am sat on my own in all the lessons.
This has now ended up with me suffering from depression and having no self esteem, confidence etc. I struggle to do my work, i cant concentrate and have lost all motivation. i have coursework due in soon and i cant get my head round to doing it and i am way behind as well.
can anyone suggest what i can do because otherwise i know that i am going to end up doing something really stupid?
thanks and sorry about this being so long