The Student Room Group

losing weight fast

rite ive been told im fat even by my friends. its very embarasing espec. in situations when i have to show some flesh (swiming, beach, etc).

tried healthy dieting. tried excercise. does NOT wrk.

i was finkin of livin on water for the next few days, with a little bit of dinner. recommended? wil it help me lose weight fast?

i have large breasts, so i wana no if theyll be affeceeted

Reply 1
Living on water doesnt sound particularly healthy..... :hmmm:
Reply 2
rite ive been told im fat even by my friends. its very embarasing espec. in situations when i have to show some flesh (swiming, beach, etc).

tried healthy dieting. tried excercise. does NOT wrk.

i was finkin of livin on water for the next few days, with a little bit of dinner. recommended? wil it help me lose weight fast?

i have large breasts, so i wana no if theyll be affeceeted


I recommend you learn English first innit.

But yes, living on water for a few days will make you loose weight. It's not healthy, but it will work.

I mean, you'll gain it all back on when you start eating properly again, but yeh it will work for a few days :yy:
There is no quick fix solution, I'm afriad. Honestly and truly and in every sense, there is no magical solution. Diet and exercizing are the only way to effectively keep weight off and you need to be consistent in your habits. The key is to change your diet gradually (don't attempt to give up everything at once and starve yourself) and make changes you think you might be able to stick with for a long time. I find what works best is not restricting any food that you like but to try to just eat less of it. After a while, you will not need to eat as much to be satisfied.
Reply 4
you'd lose a little weight for a few days until you start eating normally again, then your ****ed. 'dieting' is crap. exercise and correct nutrition does work, if you know what you're doing, which you obviously don't.
Reply 5
That's a ridiculous idea that would leave you feeling ill and weak and miserable, and wouldn't even work in the long-run. If you cut down on food too drastically, the body goes into starvation mode and starts storing it's fat, basically, to protect itself incase it doesn't get some food soon (I don't understand it well enough to describe it better than that). So you won't actually lose much weight, and anything you do lose will pile straight back on as soon as you eat properly again.

Do some exercise, eat healthily, and be prepared to wait a while for the results. That's the only way that will actually leave you slim and healthy in the long-term.
Reply 6
Living on water will lead to you losing all of your glycogen stores, and thus weight.. but will also lead to a loss of some lean tissue - which would basically decrease your Basal metabolic rate.. so when you come off the water only diet (dont do it!) you will put on more weight than before..

(the above may be a bit wrong.. just woken up and was out last night)
Reply 7
Don't skip meals, it just messes with your body.
You must want it bad if you are planning on surviving on water. If you do this you are only going to put on more weight because you will be so damn hungry! Eat 3/4 small healthy meals a day and just be more active in general, Oh and your boobs will shrink if you loose weight quickly. Shouldnt your friends be supportive?
rite ive been told im fat even by my friends. its very embarasing espec. in situations when i have to show some flesh (swiming, beach, etc).

tried healthy dieting. tried excercise. does NOT wrk.

i was finkin of livin on water for the next few days, with a little bit of dinner. recommended? wil it help me lose weight fast?

i have large breasts, so i wana no if theyll be affeceeted


This is amusing. You want to lose weight, but you want fat, saggy breasts to boot.

Try becoming a vegetarian, permanently.
Reply 10
Mwa ha ha!
Reply 11
It's quite common that ppl who go on a very strict diet tend to gain weight instead. Simply because it's very hard to keep that kind of diet for a long time and that the body goes into 'saving mode' because it thinks there's a starvation, thus much of what you eat is stored as fat.
But in a detox-plan it often progresses like this:

Days 1 /2: liquids, teas, lemon, fruit juice.
Days 3/4: add fruits
Days 5/6: add raw vegetables
Days 7/8: add cooked vegetables and brown rice
Days 9/10: add beans, nuts, seeds, lentils
Days 11/12: add grains andlive yoghurt
Days 13/14; add fish

I followed this last spring (and combined with daily toning exercises/ light weights/ walking/ running) lost a fair bit of weight for summer. I know the calories are below what your body requires but when you are ill, for example, you go for sometimes a week without eating much. Also, if you're doing some gentle exercise and getting enough quality sleep maybe that will help minimise the loss of lean, useful tisses. ???? Maybe someone else can clarify that for me???

Obviously this is not healthy as a longterm diet, and you would put on weight rapidly I imagine if you went back to a burger 'n' chips diet...however, if you eat sensibly afterwards and folow the principles of a balanced diet etc I think this "detox" just serves as a kick-start to your weightloss.
Reply 13
Atkins diet perhaps?

Reply 14
exercise and diet DOES WORK. it is the only way to lose wheight naturally.
your diet was possibly wrong
Reply 15
tsk tsk tsk....dont live off water *shakes head* who put that idea in your head? it took me a year to loose 5 kg. that sounds like very little but i turned it into muscle. i didnt even go on a diet. all you do is cut ur portions short and dont go for snacks. eat like this:
big breakfast
sandwich inbetween
small but satisfying lunch (i recomend this to be the warm meal of the day)
snack (no not candy bars or cookies! be creative)
small lunch (such as a sandwich and cucumbers, tomatoes, etc)

join a gym class. they really push you and within weeks you loose weight! at least 3 time a week do proper excercise (its supposed to be 5). I've been doing that and i've gotten so many coments about loosing weight. some even told me they worrie i might turn anerexic. i laugh at that because I looooove food. sorry i know you ask for a fast way but as these other people already said, it cant be done.
This thread makes me hungry.
Reply 17
go eat then