The Student Room Group

Snobbery revisited

I started a thread on here a while back about a couple of people who'd taken a dislike to me essentially because of my schooling and accent.

The general opinion was to ignore them, and to consider myself more enlightened. Yet it really is affecting my social life due to the numerous friendship ties we have. Take Thursday just gone. My friend invited me to a dinner where these two poeple would be (one doesn't even go to the university and is the bf of the girl that does). After promising me tickets, she had to decline at the last minute, not giving a reason. Later that night when drunk, she tells me about calls from the girl, threatening never to speak to her again if I sat at the same table as them.

I again saw the couple in question at an event last night. I asked the guy if he'd seen where my friend went but he turned and walked straight off. The girl then sends me in the opposite direction. I went for dinner with some people today and asked them about why I'd come to piss the couple off so much. The consensus was that they belived because I'd gone to a comprehensive school and pronounce flat As, I am a chav. As graduats of St Mary's and Charterhouse, they only wish to mix with those of a similar social calibre and for this reason, stay as far from mainstream university life as possible. I guess I can take comfort in the fact that it's because i have trespassed into their clique rather than there being anything intrinsically wrong with me that causes them to act so disgracefully.

The only thing is what to do. I won't stop hanging out with mutual friends. Life is too short. But I at least feel I should do somehthing to let them know how out of touch with reality they are.
Reply 1

The consensus was that they belived because I'd gone to a comprehensive school and pronounce flat As, I am a chav. As graduats of St Mary's and Charterhouse, they only wish to mix with those of a similar social calibre and for this reason, stay as far from mainstream university life as possible.

Let them, I doubt your going to be the one to show them how 'out of touch with reality' they are. Just stick with your real friend.
Damn people who act like that and give everyone else who went to private school a bad name! Ignore them if you can, I suppose, though such incredibly immature behaviour is annoying. If they want to keep themselves within their little clique, though, they're the ones missing out.
I only hope you haven't been given the impression that all people who went to private/public school act like this.
Reply 3
Damn people who act like that and give everyone else who went to private school a bad name! Ignore them if you can, I suppose, though such incredibly immature behaviour is annoying. If they want to keep themselves within their little clique, though, they're the ones missing out.
I only hope you haven't been given the impression that all people who went to private/public school act like this.

On thinking about it, around three forths of my firends went to independent school. But in all the cicles i've moved so far, the secondary school one attended is a non-issue. I'm the kind of guy who'd be as welcome at the university Tory Association Dinner as I would at the power lifting club. College and subject banter and a degree of intellectual snobbery have all been present, but I wouldn't expect anything less. But to actually write a person off pursuant to an accident of birth is simply disgusting.
On thinking about it, around three forths of my firends went to independent school. But in all the cicles i've moved so far, the secondary school one attended is a non-issue. I'm the kind of guy who'd be as welcome at the university Tory Association Dinner as I would at the power lifting club. College and subject banter and a degree of intellectual snobbery have all been present, but I wouldn't expect anything less. But to actually write a person off pursuant to an accident of birth is simply disgusting.

Ever thought they might just not like you because of your personality and attitude?
I don't like him because of his personality and attitude, so here's hoping.
Reply 6
confront them. it'd be amusing to watch.
The thing I'm wondering is: what kind of real friend would ditch you just because those two didn't like you?

That doesn't sound like a real friend to me.
Apricot Fairy
I don't like him because of his personality and attitude, so here's hoping.

This is the internet. We probably don't know him at all.
Reply 9
Ever thought they might just not like you because of your personality and attitude?

Possibly, but unlikely. I'm at the same uni as him and there are idiots like the ones he described here. Very few of them luckily, but not pleasant when you meet them. From what I gather, the OP is very popular here, so try offering some helpful advice and stop being so contrary.
Reply 10
From what I gather, the OP is very popular here, so try offering some helpful advice and stop being so contrary.

From what I can see of his VAST amounts of positive rep, I'd be inclined not to agree.

He certainly comes across as a bit of a plank on here. To put it mildly.
Are you sure it's just about social class? I realise that's what you've heard secondhand, but it may be that they may dislike you for other reasons (not that that's any nicer, but at least it's not snobbishness).
Reply 13
Well I've just split up with one of my friends after months of her being bitchy to me and calling me "snobby" I dnt kno why I put up with it everyone else told me not to. She used to have ago at me for eating pizza with a knife and fork!? which I was only doing to not get it down me and little things like that..
Reply 14
From what I can see of his VAST amounts of positive rep, I'd be inclined not to agree.

hence why I said how he was viewed in uni, which is where these people are having a problem with him. If he'd been talking about people being rude to him on TSR then thats a different matter, but seeing as we're not, I'm standing by what I said.
Reply 15
Why don't you confront her and ask her what her problem is?