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It's fun to teach :biggrin:
Reply 2
it shouldnt matter about experience, just that you like them. girls learn very quickly! and its always nice to share "firsts" with someone.
Reply 4
A lot people seem to obsessed with this first-time/inexperienced thing. If your partner really cares about you then something like that is irrelevant.
Reply 5
Okay - but i meant completely unexperience - in every way.
Reply 6
I don't think it would take that long to catch up. It depends i guess.
Reply 7
Okay - but i meant completely unexperience - in every way.

woh as in not even kissing that'd be cool but so weird but it'd be wicked becoz you can do no wrong! however bad you r you r amzing to them lol until they go with someone else, but then you find yourself having to lead everything and may feell kinda bad if you push something coz you have too lol
look, just coz she didnt do the whole 13 year old relationships thing doesnt matter! Girls really pick it all up quickly, I did. some bits take longer than others, but really, its all very natural and and doesnt take too long to get the hang on.
oh, ye, always be careful about being pushy. What are your specific concerns?
Reply 10
Just that it would freak a guy out
Isnt every guys fantasy to sleep with a virgin anyway?
i can see that it can be scary, if you're very experienced and she isnt. but you just need to be slow and steady and responsive to what she's saying / doing
Lauren Hart
i can see that it can be scary, if you're very experienced and she isnt. but you just need to be slow and steady and responsive to what she's saying / doing

I think the OP is a girl and she is worried that she will freak a guy out because she is inexperienced
Isnt every guys fantasy to sleep with a virgin anyway?

I get the impression that the older the man, the more this appeals
oh, apologies! didnt realise you was female. Advice applies, just the other way round, lol. Make sure he doesnt rush you and that you communicate. But its all very easy, and very natural. You'd be surprised. And i love "firsts" they can be the best part of a relationship. Also, might help if the guy knew how inexperienced you were, coz he's likely to be more caring etc about it. And if he up and leaves because of it, his loss, not yours. Remember that!
Reply 16
Thank-you, you have been great :smile: x
It's fun to teach :biggrin:

LOL !!!
OP, if you dont mind telling, is there a speicific concern? I remember the thing i was most freaked about was kissing lol. The rest of it didnt bother me at all. hehe
Reply 19
Its less 'the action' and more him being freaked out and wondering what's wrong with me.