The Student Room Group


Heya peeps, just wondering if there are any bisexuals out there!

I'm not exactly one myself (tho see below), just interested in the emotional and social aspects of being bisexual (especially for men).

I've got a gf and I'm in a loving relationship so I'm not interested in exploring my sexuality any further at the moment. However, several people who don't know that have said in the past that they think I'm gay because of the way I act around other guys (I go to an all-boys school lol). A couple of times in the past I've wondered if I might be bisexual; when I was about 12 I had a crush an another boy for a few months (although I didn't recognise what it was at the time). I'm also very close to my best (male) friend; I'm definatly not in love with him, but I care about him a lot and we play-flirt with each other all the time.

I'm completely comfortable with my sexuality, I don't mind people thinking I'm gay and I wouldn't be ashamed if I had feelings for another man (although of course this is speaking theoretically because I love my gf).

Does anyone have any similar experinces?

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Reply 1
You might want to look in the LGBT soc?
im convinced that bisexualityi s just greed
Reply 3
i'm bisexual..but i don't think i can have a proper relationship with a girl..just sex i think..unless she's really special or something...and it's haveing the best of both worlds,not greed :p:
Heya peeps, just wondering if there are any bisexuals out there!

I'm not exactly one myself (tho see below), just interested in the emotional and social aspects of being bisexual (especially for men).

I've got a gf and I'm in a loving relationship so I'm not interested in exploring my sexuality any further at the moment. However, several people who don't know that have said in the past that they think I'm gay because of the way I act around other guys (I go to an all-boys school lol). A couple of times in the past I've wondered if I might be bisexual; when I was about 12 I had a crush an another boy for a few months (although I didn't recognise what it was at the time). I'm also very close to my best (male) friend; I'm definatly not in love with him, but I care about him a lot and we play-flirt with each other all the time.

I'm completely comfortable with my sexuality, I don't mind people thinking I'm gay and I wouldn't be ashamed if I had feelings for another man (although of course this is speaking theoretically because I love my gf).

Does anyone have any similar experinces?

Are u me??! R u doing a this is ur life on Duck and Cover??!
Reply 5
No, but maybe we have strange parallel lives!

I nearly got in the top 5 in French GCSE as well lol! Well, this other guy in my school did and I was only 2 points behind him.
No, but maybe we have strange parallel lives!

I nearly got in the top 5 in French GCSE as well lol! Well, this other guy in my school did and I was only 2 points behind him.

How very least you know now that ur not alone!
Reply 8
You might want to look in the LGBT soc?

newcomers always welcome:wink:
I was from an all girls school and I completely didn't mind play-flirting with my girl friends and sometimes, they took it a little over and did stuff like playfully rubbing up against me. I completely didn't now when I think back about it, I think I'm bi. Even now...I talked to my ex about it and he found it really cool and funny that I thought I was bi. o_O; Till now, I still don't know whether I am or not
Reply 10
why is everyone so label obsessed?
my God. almost everyone is a bit bisexual and I believe in the scale from 1 (very straight) to 10 (very gay). I 'd say am a 9.7 and that strawberry is a 3.
[of course i base that on absolutely nothing]
why is everyone so label obsessed?
my God. almost everyone is a bit bisexual and I believe in the scale from 1 (very straight) to 10 (very gay). I 'd say am a 9.7 and that strawberry is a 3.
[of course i base that on absolutely nothing]

was about to say that. me and my bf have been known to rate friends on a % of gayness type scale when gossiping (evil habit i know) about who is going to hook up next. btw we r usually rite lol

i dont get how bisexuals are in ne way "greedy" tho. its not like we r talking about two at once type stuff.
Reply 12
Heya peeps, just wondering if there are any bisexuals out there!

I'm not exactly one myself (tho see below), just interested in the emotional and social aspects of being bisexual (especially for men).

I've got a gf and I'm in a loving relationship so I'm not interested in exploring my sexuality any further at the moment. However, several people who don't know that have said in the past that they think I'm gay because of the way I act around other guys (I go to an all-boys school lol). A couple of times in the past I've wondered if I might be bisexual; when I was about 12 I had a crush an another boy for a few months (although I didn't recognise what it was at the time). I'm also very close to my best (male) friend; I'm definatly not in love with him, but I care about him a lot and we play-flirt with each other all the time.

I'm completely comfortable with my sexuality, I don't mind people thinking I'm gay and I wouldn't be ashamed if I had feelings for another man (although of course this is speaking theoretically because I love my gf).

Does anyone have any similar experinces?
I'm bi and I'm in a long term relationship with a girl at the moment :smile: Doesn't really affect my relationship to be honest. It just means that I can talk about guys with my girly friends and stuff :smile:

My girlfriend knows about my sexuality and she's fine with it.

I wouldn't rule out being with a guy in the future if things didn't work out with my girlfriend, though I'm hoping it won't come to that hehe.
Reply 13
There's more than just straight - bi - gay/lesbian. Why do we need categories...
I'd call myself bi-curious. You're only really bi if you could love both sexes, not just fantasize about making out with the same sex while marrying s.o. from the opposite sex.
There's more than just straight - bi - gay/lesbian. Why do we need categories...
I'd call myself bi-curious. You're only really bi if you could love both sexes, not just fantasize about making out with the same sex while marrying s.o. from the opposite sex.

i can do stuff with girls but not have a proper relationship with them..unless i find the right girl that is...does that make me bi-curious or properly bi?
Reply 15
Why do you have to label yourself? You can't really say you would or wouldn't have a relationship with a girl til it happens/doesn't happen if you see what I mean :redface:

I guess a 'go with the flow' approach would benefit you more (both Shylock and OP) - just take it as it comes. You may find you just fancy people of the same sex occasionally, or you may meet someone you want to get involved with, in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter what you label yourself, as long as you're comfortable with it. :smile:
Reply 16
i can do stuff with girls but not have a proper relationship with them..unless i find the right girl that is...does that make me bi-curious or properly bi?
Does that mean you'd date and maybe even marry one? :smile: If so you're properly bi.
i might date someone but i don't know about getting married :frown::redface: but if i met a really nice girl i think i would...i don't know.i haven't met any lol...thanks you two though :biggrin:
Reply 18
i might date someone but i don't know about getting married :frown::redface: but if i met a really nice girl i think i would...i don't know.i haven't met any lol...thanks you two though :biggrin:

I'm sure there's some out there - if you run into one let me know eh and ask them where they're all hiding!!
I'm sure there's some out there - if you run into one let me know eh and ask them where they're all hiding!!

lol ok but what about the girl in your avy? :p:

i think girls have this innate...i dunno to be slightly bi me thinks...