Heya peeps, just wondering if there are any bisexuals out there!
I'm not exactly one myself (tho see below), just interested in the emotional and social aspects of being bisexual (especially for men).
I've got a gf and I'm in a loving relationship so I'm not interested in exploring my sexuality any further at the moment. However, several people who don't know that have said in the past that they think I'm gay because of the way I act around other guys (I go to an all-boys school lol). A couple of times in the past I've wondered if I might be bisexual; when I was about 12 I had a crush an another boy for a few months (although I didn't recognise what it was at the time). I'm also very close to my best (male) friend; I'm definatly not in love with him, but I care about him a lot and we play-flirt with each other all the time.
I'm completely comfortable with my sexuality, I don't mind people thinking I'm gay and I wouldn't be ashamed if I had feelings for another man (although of course this is speaking theoretically because I love my gf).
Does anyone have any similar experinces?