The Student Room Group

Dislocated knee

Okay so I dislocated my knee on Friday which wasn't pleasant. Anyway at the moment I'm on crutches but they truly are most annoying thing as can't do anything myself and my arms and muscles ache already from even going the smallest distance. I'm seeing a specialist knee consultant on Thursday/Friday but just wondered if anyone has had a similar injury and how long they were on crutches for?

I had a buggered knee from a football injury and was on crutches for the best part of a month when I was about 14. I loved the things, I got pretty damn speedy with them too! :biggrin: I expect you'll get used to them after a bit.
Reply 2
wellp, the only thing i got was a broken arm and a dislocated finger... but hey, ull getused to it especially when u wanna itch and u cant scratch
Reply 3
You dont often have casts on dislocated joints do you? They just click them back in i thought?
Reply 4
I've been on crutches for about 3 weeks before. It's not that much fun even though people seem to want to try them out. Get some gloves or some padding so you don't get blisters on your hands.