Before starting i'll just give some background information. I've not had a girlfriend before and haven't much clue about this sort of stuff and i really should. I don't usually try hard with girls, but when i do they usually end up taken or i come across bad or maybe they don't like my looks; either way i don't get so much attention possibly due to confidence.
There's some background information. So i met this girl a few days ago at a party, we exchanged numbers and she left her coat and picked it up the other day. So she suggested going for drinks some time (which i take it is asking me out). She's a nice girl, insightful, good looking. But the thing that bothers me is she smokes and drug-taking. But mostly smoking as that's a regular thing. I've always been anti-smoking because i don't want to kiss an ash-tray, i don't want someone to love cigarettes more than me and i don't want to watch someone i care about doing that to themselves.
So should i even bother going out with her? I'm not 100% sure she's a frequent smoker but i'm fairly sure she is. I know it's not good to go out with someone thinking you could change them and i realise smoking is an addiction and she'd have to want to stop so it's not really up to me.
So all things taken into account should i take her up on her offer tomorrow. Thanks for reading up to here and any opinions are welcome.