Just looking for an unbiased opinion here regarding flatmates. It's a subject which has got me quite upset this last few weeks.
Basically I share a mixed-sex flat with 5 other people (2 girls, 3 boys). I moved here in December due to problems with my other accommodation & I was happy up until a couple of weeks ago. They all seemed very nice but some of them didn't really make the effort to get to know me- I figured that was because they had been together since October & had already formed their group. It didn't bother me too much to start with- I prefered not to get too involved because that is what happened at my old accommodation & 2 of us chose to move out as we were being bullied. I thought this way, if I don't get involved, there can't be any trouble on my behalf.
Anyway, about a month ago we all got back from Christmas Holidays & I thought maybe things would change. They didn't. Granted, two of the flatmates made the effort & seemed quite friendly. None of them ignore me, it's just I get this feeling when I do talk to them that they can't be bothered & it's usually me that has to make the effort.
What really was a kick in the guts for me was a couple of weeks ago I overheard a conversation about us all moving in together to a house next year- as in all the flat & they were considering looking round some houses within the next few weeks. Later on I went into the kitchen & saw some printouts for 5 bedroom houses & they had circled a couple of them- I could have cried to be honest cos' it was obvious I would be that 6th person. A few days later, I walked in on a conversation in the kitchen & they all shut up & there was an awkward silence.
I guess I shouldn't be worried because I have now organised to live with my boyfriend now next year along with two other students. I thought to start with that maybe they thought I was going to move in with him but then they knew it was his last year & I haven't told them he is looking to get a job in the city so as far as they know he is staying where he is back home (he commutes to Uni).
The nicest housemate did ask me if I was okay for accommodation the other day- it felt really uneasy & I know they already basically had somewhere else to live. I just replied "yeah" & changed the subject. I felt like she was asking me because she had probably overheard me upset talking to my boyfriend about it. The others still just don't talk about the subject in front of me which I find quite offending.
I guess what I find most hurtful is that they are keeping it from me. Yeah, I would still be upset if they came out & said "oh we don't want to live with you next year because..........." but at least I would know. Yeah, I am quiet because I don't feel like they have given me the chance for them to get to know me, but I'm not the quietest flatmate.
I guess it has got me upset today because they are going househunting today & they came back & woke me up shouting about this new house they had all looked at. It feels like they are now rubbing my face in it. Do I have a right to be upset?
Thanks xxxx