The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Essex is a bit better than Brunel for law. But if you want to stay in London, then choose Brunel.
Reply 2
i think brunnels sandwitch course is meant to b quite good but i think it'sin uxbridge which is like probably ovr an hour away from the city!!!
if you are going for reputation, it's Essex. However if you prefer London's city pace, Brunel. But if I were you I'd go Essex, seems to me it has higher reputation, and probably better employment rates too.
hey essex must have liked you. they gave me an offer of 340!
Lol. I'm quite shocked I was given that offer to be honest.
Anyhoo ...... If you were to rate essex's reputaion and Brunel's reputaion on a scale from 1 -10 what woud you give them?
hey essex must have liked you. they gave me an offer of 340!

But 20 points is actually quite minimal. Does it make a lot of difference?
Reply 7
I thought 20 points makes the difference from one grade to another?
Oh is it? Well then that makes sense.
yeah its the difference between ABB and AAB. oh well!
Reply 10
i was going to apply for law at Brunel but then one of my friends friends put me off by saying that the accomodation was skank!
I was put off applying to Brunel too in the beginning, I haven't seen it yet but I am aware that they have built new buildings. However you really can't let people influence your choice, after all it's you doing the course not them. I let people put me off City uni and even though I kind of agree it was the right thing to do I wish I had seen the place to know whether it was right for me.
Beatnik87, I thought you applied to Brunel in the end?
I mean in the beginning when I was thinking of uni's to apply too.
I know Essex is a world research rated university but how do they do when it comes to finding work as a lawyer
Reply 15
i would choose essex-although brunel is in london- it's in uxbridge. if your main reason is due to the City-essex isn't that far away!
Reply 16
yeah, it only takes about 40 mins by train to get to liverpool street!

Essex law students are very employable.. the ones i know are at least.:smile:
And there you have it! So it's better if you will choose Essex over Brunel. After all Essex's rep is higher, and employment rate should be higher too.
lol but how higher. I've gone over the league tables about a thousand times.
and what have you got so far?