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Is the recommendation of 8 glasses of water a day just a myth?

Is the recommendation of 8 glasses of water a day to stop you becoming dehydrated just a myth?

I keep hearing people recommend this, but I was under the impression that this was a strange myth with no scientific backing. I was just wondering if anyone could clear this up for me, as I have never even tried to come close to 8 glasses a day.

These link generally sum up my previous view:

However, even if 8 glasses are not needed to stop dehydration, do they have other health benefits?

Thanks for all your replies in advance!


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I haven't see anything to back up the 8 glasses of water a day recommendation. I guess drinking a reasonable amount of water a day is only a good thing (unless it is polluted) - but whether reasonable is 8 glasses a day is another thing...
I used to drink 8 glasses a day, it cleared the spots on my face up no end!
yea it aids digestion clears the system, helps you get clearer skin etc
Reply 4
Its good for your kidneys and generally lets your body perform its functions correctly. I aim for about 3-4 ltrs a day usually.
I've recently started drinking the recommended amount and do feel better, perhaps coincidentally but yes in general there are huge benefits to be had from drinking water.
Reply 6
Its generally good to get enough water into your system, as it is great for yuor skin, and hydration aswell s bodily processes. 8 Glasses is around the estimation of the couple of litres they say we should drink a day. :smile:
Reply 7
i drink at least 8 glasses a day im on the stuff all the time. Iv never had spots. the odd one but for years i can never remeber having spots! problem is when i fall ill n dont drink any i go from having a cold 2 having a kidney infection though the lack of it!!!!! good side is when your revising drink alot as cold water slows the metabolism down n stops u eating but makes u concentrate 2 (apparently)
Reply 8
Hmm interesting... Thanks for the replies.

When they say drink what, does it have to be pure water, like bottled water or tap water. Or can it be like a diluted juice drink, like the one's where you add 4-5 parts water ect?

i think it can play quite an important role in preventing oily skin and spots et all
Just thought I'd add this. A couple of years ago I saw a dietician and I asked her if I needed to drink at least two litres of water a day and she told me that I probably would find it difficult to drink a lot as I have a small frame and would be needing the loo all day if I did. She said that it all depends on your frame. I don't know how true this is though. I normally have to force myself to drink just over one litre of water a day as I feel bloated and quite sick if I drink more.
it's just the water that's important I think, so you can get the water in any way, and your food contains more water than you think so I think that 4-5 glasses is more appropriate. I would advise drinking a lot, I mean, what harm can it do?
Reply 12
The 2litres recomened water intake INCLUDES FOOD. So alot is actually taken in from foods, fruits, they have more water in them than you think. I dont really like water so do go days without, but i dont dehydrate or dir because i get my water from foods (and tea).
Oh and i've never had spots, and am very rarely ill (touch wood).
Reply 13
It doesn't include foods, that's why they say drink 8 glasses of water a day, equivalent to 3-4 litres. Try and drink 8 glasses where you can, as it can help with a lot of stuff in the body, most of which is mentioned above.
Reply 14
It is good to drink 8+ glasses of water a day.
I'm confused :frown: does cold water slow down or speed up metabolism?? Because I've heard both!
Reply 16
i have recently started drinking about 8 glasses of ater a day and no fizzy drinks or tea or coffee because of digestion problems and i feel much better for it. i thought it was a myth before i tried it as well but i feel great! even though i do go to the toilet much more!
Reply 17
It doesn't include foods, that's why they say drink 8 glasses of water a day, equivalent to 3-4 litres. Try and drink 8 glasses where you can, as it can help with a lot of stuff in the body, most of which is mentioned above.


Eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Another approach to water intake is the "8 x 8 rule" — drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters). The rule could also be stated, "drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," as all fluids count toward the daily total. Though this approach isn't supported by scientific evidence, many people use this basic rule as a guideline for how much water and other fluids to drink.

from CNN

frankly i could go on.
Reply 18
Duck and Cover
I'm confused :frown: does cold water slow down or speed up metabolism?? Because I've heard both!

Now that's confusing me!
Erm, dunno. I actually drink between 4 1/2 -5L a day (yea..I do have to pee quite a lot!) Not really a conscious move, more force of habit, like to have a drink in my hand...not always an alcoholic one! My skin is lovely and clear though and I'm generally quite bright eyed and bushy tailed so it must be good for you.