so... today we had a fire drill thing where we all had to go stand outside in the snow to practise evacuating the school in case there was a real fire. Anyhow, I had been in the library at the time with an exboyfriend, and we went outside together. I was wearing just a shirt (I had left my jacket/jumper inside.).. and he had a fleece and a thick sweatshirt/jacket thing. We were standing out there for about 20 min, and i was FREEZING. and we were talking and stuff, and he was all toasty warm, and I kept thinking he would offer me one of his jackets, but he didnt. Then going inside, I was thinking... should he have offered me his jacket, like a "gentleman"? Or is that not what we should do nowadays... is chivalry dead? Or should he have given me the jacket etc...?