The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Give up.. NME's not worth it, as is demonstrated by their lack of interest in your logging in problems. :frown:
Reply 2
crap message board by all accounts, drowned in sound is better, although probably more indie snobs, but then also better music.

the real reason is probably that you have a dynamic ip address and a moderator banned someone else on your isp and it's banned you too.
Reply 3
I've got no problem with an NME messageboard...human detritus has to congregate somewhere...and if that isn't anywhere near me, then it can only be a good thing.
Reply 4
the real reason is probably that you have a dynamic ip address and a moderator banned someone else on your isp and it's banned you too.

The problem is that, in order to ensure against people with dynamicly assigned IP addresses flouting their rules, most administrators will ban a IP addresses over a whole range.

This can be particularly frustrating if you're connecting via a uni account or such. However it is a pretty pissy way of doing things as any idiot can circumvent it.
Reply 5
Id just give up to be honest, they are evidently not interested in your problem.
Reply 6
You'd be better off here anyway. :p: I used the NME boards about 6 years ago and it was horrible, and that was BEFORE all the Arctic Monkeys hype and all these new bands that sound the same... I can't imagine what the place is like now. Frightening.
Reply 7
This happened to me when i tried to get on a board :mad: couldn't be arsed sort it out though
Reply 8
This happened to me when i tried to get on a board :mad: couldn't be arsed sort it out though

Why would you want to use another messageboard? This is your home. :wink: *ties Ibbsy to board*

Mwahahaha... hahaha... ha. Or something.
Reply 9
yuck. NME. yuck
Reply 10
But you are a Yeah Yeah Yeahs fan.

(I am too. Just saying)
Reply 11
except i knew about them long before NME got their paws on them. i spent £30 on a bag, so i'm hardly an NME style fairweather fan
i'm a planB reader [edited by the wonderful everette true], or clashmag
i only read the listings in NME when it's in the staffroom at work, though i'd rather be reading heat if i can find that
i could give you a list of bands i've liked for a while, then NME pimped up making them superstars if you really want, but it would bore you
im musically elite
Reply 12
Do you know what all you nme haters sound like?

"I like such and such a band, I know they're really popular because of the nme, but really, I hate the nme, really I do, I knew about such and such way before they did, I'm not your typical nme reader, really I'm not, most of the bands I like are way too cool for nme etc....."

really, it's old, chances are if you like the yeah yeah yeahs. you like 80% of the music nme write about, for all the over hyping nme have done they also bring small bands to the mainstream media in a way no other magazine does. I only read it every now and again, and yeah I probably disagree with most of their reviews, but the nme is here to stay, if you don't like them don't post about them, no one wants to read a thread full of people doing the whole bloody nme rant. It's borrrrrring.
Reply 13
i may like the music they write about. it doesnt mean i like them and their writing styles. which is why i prefer planB, and also because they pick up on bands much earlier so i can listen to them sooner

i get bored reading about the same band week after week.

if you dont like the thread then don't read it. jesus
To be honest, the message boards are rubbish. They never talk about anything very interesting, and so many of the people on there are just crap. I soon fled back to TSR.
Reply 15
the best message boards for talking about music are the 'other bands' section of bands you like message boards.
Just paid a little visit to see what all the fuss was about...seemed to be full of people calling everyone else ****ing ***** this and ****** ***** that just for stating an opinion....not really a good place for constructing discussion on music tbh....

I did see a thread on Mogwai which caught my attention for all of 2 seconds...after reading it no-one seemed to have a clue what was going on...:frown:

"i likk mogwai..they are well good lol...u?"

"hawhaw..yeh i love em, only beena fan for 3 days but they r amazing!!!11"

or something....:rolleyes:
Reply 17
except i knew about them long before NME got their paws on them. i spent £30 on a bag, so i'm hardly an NME style fairweather fan
i'm a planB reader [edited by the wonderful everette true], or clashmag
i only read the listings in NME when it's in the staffroom at work, though i'd rather be reading heat if i can find that
i could give you a list of bands i've liked for a while, then NME pimped up making them superstars if you really want, but it would bore you
im musically elite

To have liked them before the NME started talking about them, you would've had to be a fan pretty much before they'd formed.
Reply 18
To have liked them before the NME started talking about them, you would've had to be a fan pretty much before they'd formed.

NME dont catch on to bands THAT fast you know? they also have a tendancy of using the term "new bands" loosely. NME called Smoosh a "new band" over a year after i'd first heard of them

Reply 19
There are always going to be bands that you've heard of before the media gets hold of them, though. If the NME were THAT bad at keeping up, nobody would bother to read it. They'd know about everything already.