Do you know what all you nme haters sound like?
"I like such and such a band, I know they're really popular because of the nme, but really, I hate the nme, really I do, I knew about such and such way before they did, I'm not your typical nme reader, really I'm not, most of the bands I like are way too cool for nme etc....."
really, it's old, chances are if you like the yeah yeah yeahs. you like 80% of the music nme write about, for all the over hyping nme have done they also bring small bands to the mainstream media in a way no other magazine does. I only read it every now and again, and yeah I probably disagree with most of their reviews, but the nme is here to stay, if you don't like them don't post about them, no one wants to read a thread full of people doing the whole bloody nme rant. It's borrrrrring.