I dont know what ive done to this guy but hes p***ing me off every chance he gets it seems. The pathetic thing about it all is he goes about it very childishly, yesterday for example on msn he starts a convo with me and asks me what I think about gay people. I tell him im not bothered so he gives me a 10 minute lecture on why I should be bothered. Less than 30 mins later he asks me my opinion on meeting people off the net, again I say im not bothered and yet again he gives me a speech on why I should be. So then in a multi-convo someone who everyone had actualy met off the net including him asks why he thought it was stupid after I repeated what he told me and he goes off on a rant calling me a s*** stirrer and everything else you can think of. I have blocked him now, and hes making sure everyone knows I have done so but its causing animosity with other people when they ask why ive blocked him because I end up being seen as the bitchy one. It also happens offline too but other people see hes being an idiot then so he shuts up. Anyone got advice on how to make him get a life, ignoring him ive tried but he only starts talking about me behind my back, unfortunately theres only so much I can take before I get annoyed with him and tell him where to go.