The Student Room Group

Being more feminine

Any tips on how to make a girl appear more feminine/girly? I find that whilst I am a securely straight female but find I'm more masculine in the way I carry myself. I have shoulder length hair...not long, but not very short either (ie not long enough to tie up etc) and tend to wear a lot of trousers mainly because I feel more confident in them. I'm a size 16...
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Mods: couldn't tell whether this was an H&R topic or a F&B one...sorry if it's in the wrong forum.
Reply 1
please someone? :frown:
oestrogen injections ?
Reply 3
Erm...could try putting your hair up in pigtails...

Handbags, accessories, makeup? I don't know, I don't really do 'girly'
Maybe get some girlfriends round & do a makeover/ go out shopping?
Reply 4
Wear heels. And make-up. Or whatever really. Just experiment with anything that's seen as being "girly" until you find something that suits you and can feel better about yourself.
Reply 5
Try to wear some make up if you already dont, doesn't need to be bold colours, some light pastels will make a difference. Similarly, if you wear black or darker colours all the time try some lighter ones like pinks or greens. I understand how you feel about trousers, and wearing skirts is a big change, but you could maybe get a nice belt, a pretty scarf and other accessories like earrings or bracelets.
As for the hair, you can just play around with hairclips to get a style you want, it doesn't need to be that long to look different and pretty.
Reply 6
Any tips on how to make a girl appear more feminine/girly? I find that whilst I am a securely straight female but find I'm more masculine in the way I carry myself. I have shoulder length hair...not long, but not very short either (ie not long enough to tie up etc) and tend to wear a lot of trousers mainly because I feel more confident in them. I'm a size 16...

I think you have to change the way you act as well as the way you dress/look. You could try hanging around with some of your girlier friends, or just interpret it in your own way. If you change your way of thinking then slowly your attitude, and dress sense alike will follow.

Although personally I don't think you should have to worry about being are who you are
Honest answer?

1. Lose weight
2. Wear skirts, dresses and heels
3. Flirt with guys a lot
but dont be one of those mingin girls that flirt with guys too much. they end up gettin ripped apart and dissed when theyre not around.
Reply 9
None of those options should be necessary. And i totally disagree with changing your way of thinking. If you're really unhappy with coming across as masculine, I have one friend who can go from totally ungirly to very feminine with only a little eyeliner. You could try that.

Personally, though, I have a feminine face and build but I can be very blokey and I could probably pull myself off as a man. And I really don't mind!!! :smile:
Reply 10
If your happy and feel confident in what you wear then carry on wearing it. Dont change beacuse you feel you have to.

Im a size 16 too, and i dont really do feminine look in what i wear, but as other people said i have just got a belt thats quite feminine looking that goes with my jeans and i wear boyish looking jeans alot, but i go for bright tops used to wear black tops constantly becuase i thought they were flattering.

i also just started to wear a skirt occasionally once a week at most. longish and basically what inspired me to want to wear it is these lush new boots i got. heels. (wow usually i wear flat shoes)

i know my boyf wud like me to be more girly in general. but im not gunna change what i wear for him. im more happy dressing comfortably.

remember your more likely to feel more confident if your confortable in what your wearing :smile:
looking girly takes effort. i can do it with a little organisation. a pretty top with some jeans. so make up and a little hair styling but tbh who cares. im much more comfy in jeans an old tshirt and a brush dragged though my almost shoulder length hair. it rele is whatever u r comfy with that is best. if u r worried, as was sed earlier a little make up can go a long way and once u r happy with it u can re-apply v quickly.
Reply 12
There's no need for make-up or heels if you're not comfortable in doing so.

Maybe try some hair pins, jewellery and 'girly' belts and tops. If it's the figure you have a problem with, try walking up straight, walk more like a girl.
My sister looks totally butch, walking like the hunchback of the Notre Dame, but she can look real nice only by changing into a shirt an skirt. :smile: I've changed the way I walk too and it comes natural now (cos mum told me I walk like my dad :rolleyes: turns out she meant the shape of my legs which I can't change).
Reply 13
Be masculine!!!

I'm not masculine essentially, but I am not "girly" either. You don't have to be. Just be true to yourself, because then you may end up being something you hate, and thus hate yourself.

Be who you are!

Reply 14
If your happy and feel confident in what you wear then carry on wearing it. Dont change beacuse you feel you have to.

Im a size 16 too, and i dont really do feminine look in what i wear, but as other people said i have just got a belt thats quite feminine looking that goes with my jeans and i wear boyish looking jeans alot, but i go for bright tops used to wear black tops constantly becuase i thought they were flattering.

i also just started to wear a skirt occasionally once a week at most. longish and basically what inspired me to want to wear it is these lush new boots i got. heels. (wow usually i wear flat shoes)

i know my boyf wud like me to be more girly in general. but im not gunna change what i wear for him. im more happy dressing comfortably.

remember your more likely to feel more confident if your confortable in what your wearing :smile:

As pathetic as it may seem, the lack of one has compelled to think that I should reassess the way I dress and present myself.
I'm like that too. I wear jeans and currently have short shoulder length hair. *sigh* but I guess you could try makeup and skirts with heels. :smile:
yeh must admit the response i gte from wearing a skirt heels and low cut top is much better than if i havnt made the effort but im not sure its worth the blisters etc
oh they have a big reaction. the one time I wore a skirt, my guy friends were staring and going all "omg she's in a skirt!" and one guy that I liked whispered "you look nice" in my ear as he walked past
Reply 18
yeah i remember the first time i wore a skirt around my friends (who are all male). my best mates suddenly turned into predators lmao. was confidence boosting tho :smile:
Reply 19
Be yourself, genuine guys are impressed by girls who are confident in being different, out of the crowd, unique, don't abide by what Cosmo tells them to!

Love will find you when you are not looking for it, so just be yourself, be a tom boy there will always be a guy that finds that attractive. My ex used to strip engines and do engineering with me, cover herself in grease...was awesome, so ungirly but was sooo cool!

My 2 pence!
