The Student Room Group

Love and Lust.

Im really confused because i am a male and i always seem to lust after and think about male to male contact and have never actually acted on any of it but i have strong feelings and its somewhat of an obsession. However i have had sexual experience with girls and i always thoroughly enjoy it and am stimulated but never lust after it or really want it unless im right there in the moment , its hard to explain. And to make things worse i always find myself falling in fast love with girls but not boys. Anyone got any advice, im so confused.
Reply 1
Most people go through stages of being confused about their sexuality.
I honestly wouldn't worry about it, just take life as it comes, what happens, happens.
Reply 2
You always want what you can't have ^.~

LOL but seriously you might be bisexual, your situation sounds very similiar to how I found out I was
Reply 3
I don't know what to do though and it seems like i cant have both the sexual attraction and love together.
experiment. your too young to settle down and u will probly have some great sex.