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A really bad kiss shouldn't put you off if you can just laugh it away. Practice makes perfect!
nah go with the flow!!
Reply 3
just go for it and dont worry, worrying might make it worse!
nah go with the flow!!

although not if 'the flow' is the flow of saliva. messy.
Don't think about it. Just do it. One thing to remember: less is more.
Reply 6
One thing to remember: less is more.
too right - don't try to kiss their face off!
Don't think about it. Just do it. One thing to remember: less is more.

let your parner take the lead. probly better to start without tongues but i just cant help myself and generally run mine over my bfs lips. allways have done for some odd reason. if u dont like the way they kiss they pull back slightly and start again. they should change their technique a bit.

ps just relax. it comes naturally neway
Reply 9
thanks guys, i feel bit better. guess il just go with the flow and remeber less is more!
thanks guys, i feel bit better. guess il just go with the flow and remeber less is more!

Yeah...don't think about what you're doing...just let it happen. Remember to practice :wink:
naive quesion but how do the lips, well, slot in...dont you end up kissing just either their top or bottom lip that way? and is it like a continual motion..sorry i just dont understand! Also, how bad can you really be your first time, would a really bad kiss put you off?

It depends on the sort of kiss, to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of the full on tongue-fest to be honest, it's grotesque, and usually a first time "bad kisser" is someone who does that and to the extreme.

I found it fairly natural to be honest, even the first time. It's not exactly hard. Be gentle, and also: "dont you end up kissing just either their top or bottom lip that way" - yes more or less, but with occasional use of the tongue also.

One last thing - if you;re concerned enough about it to be asking here, you're not relaxed enough and will probably be thinking about it too much at the time and tense up. Just relax, be instinctive.
Reply 12
the top/bottom lip thing is nice though! :biggrin:
Reply 13
well i don't think it is a technical thing at all, theres no right and wrong way to do it, you never know which technique you like untill you have tried it!!

if someone says start with no tongues, you might not like it, but if you add tongues you may like it and vice versa, i don't think anyone can actully advise you on how to kiss, tell your partner and he/she will be understanding to you!!

actaully the only advise anyone can give is that you should go with the flow as it does indeed come naturally!!
Reply 14
I'm confused. I thought kissing was when people got their thumbs and went "1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a thumb war".

Don't forget to close your eyes (which should happen naturally, unless you're not enjoying it or wonna peek :p: ).
Reply 15
Personally I don't have one way of kissing. I kind of let my bf know what I'm feeling through kissing. EG if I'm feeling randy, I'm going to kiss him more passionately than if I'm not. If I'm in a bad mood or upset it'll probably be just a peck etc
Reply 16
Don't forget to close your eyes (which should happen naturally, unless you're not enjoying it or wonna peek )

hehe have you ever been kissing someone with your eyes closed and then opened them to look at them and they are staring right back at you and it makes you jump lol??? i have its is really funny
Reply 17
Personally I don't have one way of kissing. I kind of let my bf know what I'm feeling through kissing. EG if I'm feeling randy, I'm going to kiss him more passionately than if I'm not. If I'm in a bad mood or upset it'll probably be just a peck etc
Yep. :smile:
Reply 18
hehe have you ever been kissing someone with your eyes closed and then opened them to look at them and they are staring right back at you and it makes you jump lol??? i have its is really funny
LOL yeah :biggrin: kinda spoils the moment.
Reply 19
yer but if you laugh it off then its no problem lol!!!

it so funny, normally one or the other tells each other to stop it but carrying on

i think it is freaky being that close to peoples eyes!!!