The Student Room Group

Exploiting potential with a guy...

I've recently met a very nice guy, and having dined (and flirted) with him on a number of occasions, I do feel that there may be some chemistry between us. However, as things stand, it's all very vague, and I feel 'neither here nor there'. Does anyone have any adivce as to how I may be able to exploit this 'potential' without being very overt with him? He's quite reserved so I get the impression that I will have to take the initiaive - but seeing as I see him on a regular basis don't want to do something stupid that will mean I won't be able to face him in the future if all goes wrong.

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how about asking him where things r going with u two? tell him u like him and see what response u get
Reply 2
He's very shy and quiet, he'd just go beetroot red/scared/shocked.
He's the quiet, innocent sort...
He'd probably be delighted more like and quite flattered. And if he doesn't share the sentiment at least it will give him a confidence boost.
Reply 4
even if he's say 6 years older than me? I'm at this isn't a 12 yr old with a 18 yr old or anything :smile: I'm so scred of putting him off, because then how will I face him...I really like him though :frown: :frown: :frown:
Reply 5
Start sitting closer to

Us ultra shy guys are usually vary wary about asking a girl out unless we are sure she likes us...You may have to make the first move :smile:.
Reply 6
Get him drunk, drag him back to your place and shag him! That should do it!!

I am being serious, sometimes its the only way!
Reply 7
Start sitting closer to

Us ultra shy guys are usually vary wary about asking a girl out unless we are sure she likes us...You may have to make the first move :smile:.

I have done that...and on a couple of occasions I caught him smiling and looking at me kind of dreamily at dinner but as soon as he saw that I had noticed (and I returned his dreamy look) he looked away very embarassed. :redface:
Reply 8
Get him drunk, drag him back to your place and shag him! That should do it!!

He doesn't drink. :smile:
Reply 9
He doesn't drink. :smile:

Lace his orange juice with vodka, he won't taste it and it works a treat!! :biggrin:
Reply 10
I couldn't, it would be a betrayal of his trust. And he doesn't think it's a good idea to have sex outside of wedlock.
I hope you don't go doing that sort of thing to girls. :frown: :mad:
Reply 11
I have done that...and on a couple of occasions I caught him smiling and looking at me kind of dreamily at dinner but as soon as he saw that I had noticed (and I returned his dreamy look) he looked away very embarassed. :redface:

Then it seems he likes you. Go with the asking out im saying :smile:.
Reply 12
I couldn't, it would be a betrayal of his trust. And he doesn't think it's a good idea to have sex outside of wedlock.
I hope you don't go doing that sort of thing to girls. :frown: :mad:

Wedlock, eww. so medieval!!

Well, not really, anymore!! lol!! Girls just tend to get drunk all by themselves!! :biggrin:
Reply 13
Then it seems he likes you. Go with the asking out im saying :smile:.

Thing is he is ALWAYS so gentlemanly, he could just be being courteous, and I could have misinterpreted the look seeing as I really like him :redface:
Reply 14
Sounds to me like you are nervous. Lol.
Reply 15
I am. Very. :s: Don't want to mess up.
Reply 16
I am. Very. :s: Don't want to mess up.

Just go for it!! :biggrin:
Get him drunk, drag him back to your place and shag him!

Us ultra shy guys are usually vary wary about asking a girl out unless we are sure she likes us...You may have to make the first move :smile:.

I've done that AND that when sober and the response I got was "I need to think about what I want before I consider dating."

Reply 18
That's EXACTLY what I'm scared of...not helped by the fact I'm not pretty.
I'm sure you are pretty :smile:
Reminds me of my situation, I really liked this guy who was shy and after being too scared to do/say anything I did and he told me he felt the same :smile:
So maybe he does, try subtle hints?
Although my situation has now deteriorated as we were gonna go out but my other mate decided he liked me too so this guy didn't wanna hurt his mate so :frown: