The Student Room Group
mixed feelings :biggrin: I'm assuming that this refers to Florey...
Most first years live in Florey - it's just across Magdalen Bridge, so only a five-minute walk from college.

In an article written in 1979 for Contemporary Architects, James Stirling said, "I believe that the shapes of a building should indicate—perhaps display—the usage and way of life of its occupants, and it is therefore likely to be rich and varied in appearance, and its expression is unlikely to be a building we did at Oxford some years ago, it was intended that you could recognize the historic elements of courtyard, entrance gate towers, cloisters; also a central object replacing the traditional fountain or statue of the college founder. In this way we hoped that students and public would not be disassociated from their cultural past. The particular way in which functional-symbolic elements are put together may be the "art" in the architecture."

You get used to it... it's a very sociable building.

A handful of first-years live in Cardo - a few minutes further to walk, but a nice house.

In second year people then mostly live in Queen's Lane Quad, which is right next to the main building. The other second years live in Cardo. (exception will be next year, when Queen's Lane Quad is going to be refurbished, but by the time you get to Queen's QLQ will be amazing, have en-suite and cherry wood doors. enjoy.)

Third year in college.
oh, and some people in their second year choose to live in Florey...
Reply 3
Just don't go with expectations that are too high!

I was more than a little disappointed when as an eager fresher I found my room in Florey had peeling mustard walls, a dirty cork floor and blinds which didn't really work.... Some people have a fondness for Florey, but I can't say I miss it!

The room I had as a finalist was absolutely beautiful though.

Overall Queen's is a great college to be at. Your first year room might be a bit crummy, but it's not going to stop you having a great time. X
Cool, thanks guys..are any of you historians?
Cool, thanks guys..are any of you historians?

sorry, but politician if that's any help - the MHPists are great though, you'll have lovely college parents!

aw... Florey in the snow... it's almost pretty. (ok, maybe not)
My friend at magdalen who is doing mhp told me that his tutors said that mhp at queens kicks ass :biggrin: PPEist? So you have dr owen? hows the politics in comparison with other places?
Is it true that they are turning/have turned the nice third year sets into single rooms?
Is it true that they are turning/have turned the nice third year sets into single rooms?

Not that I've heard of... all the genius plans at the moment involve second year rooms.

Politics at Queen's is cool... you'll have Dr.Owen for UK politics which is what he specializes in and your other politics tutes will probably be at different colleges.

Of course MHP at Queen's rocks. Everything does.

GO QUEEN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it true that they are turning/have turned the nice third year sets into single rooms?

I'm in 2nd year and when I was in 1st year there was a bit of an apparent "crisis" since there were too many students and not enough rooms. So what they did was offer some 2nd years (in fact 13 in total, I believe) the chance to share with a chosen friend (or two). In the end it turned out there were several spare rooms in QLQ and Cardo so there was no real crisis; I suppose they were just being over-cautious.

Some third years still have their double sets and the sharing experience for me so far has been wonderful (I was one of those who got the chance to share). It's probably an experience that few people at Queen's will have before they enter the real world and it's also made me a lot closer to the guy I share with.

In terms of what you will face, I doubt this will be an issue in any way by the time you hit the 3rd year. And you will have a good 2nd year in the new QLQ (assuming the building work finishes on time).

As for 1st year accom.: Florey -- very sociable, and especially a strong community feeling, but a bit dodgy in terms of quality. I used to be a kind of person that used to be very picky about living arrangements, but Florey taught me a lesson! It's been better for me, as now I'm not so picky. Cardo is a much nicer building, but about 3-4 minutes further away from Florey (which is about 8 minutes away from college) and less of a sociable atmosphere sometimes, due to how the rooms/corridors are arranged (esp. when compared to Florey). How's that for a long sentence?!

Oh, and don't bring ANY cooking utensils/equipment... I suppose your college parents will tell you all about that if you get your place.
Some third years still have their double sets and the sharing experience for me so far has been wonderful (I was one of those who got the chance to share). It's probably an experience that few people at Queen's will have before they enter the real world and it's also made me a lot closer to the guy I share with.

Caster Troy2

Didn't you get banned or something?
Reply 12

This was from the Queen's website - is this the Cardo building?
No, that's QLQ, where most 2nd years will live.
No, that's QLQ, where most 2nd years will live.

... not next year.
But the year after..mwahahahaha