Everyone pays for their student accomodation (regardless of whom 'actually' pays it, i.e. your parents) - At Aston our first loan installment (from hte government) came shortly before freshers, and fees were due to the university payment office (via bank transfer, cash, cheque or credit card) within...two weeks I think. At Aston you get a remittance advice letter through internal mail indicating precisely what you need to pay in each term (3 payments at the start of each term, decreasing in value each time) and what you have to do to do this easily.
The amount would normally be withdrawn from your student loan amount and then paid to the university at their bank account details (Aston is with lloyds) - This can most easily be done by bank transfer using internet banking imo.
However, it makes no differwence where the money comes from aslong as the uni gets paid. Its relatively straight forward.