The Student Room Group

Missing home...

I'm really missing home whilst at uni. I feel so stupid and childish for it, but I do miss my family. especially my mum since we're so close. At 18 I feel as though I shouldn't be homesick, but at the same time I'm telling myself its ok seeing as I havn't been home since a little after new year. At 18 is this normal? It's not as though I never used to go away from home when I was a kid, I did all the time. I don't know. Just makes me feel silly...
Your not silly, its perfectly normal to feel homesick after being away from home for so long especially being so close to your parents
Reply 2
I wouldn't worry that you're "too old" to get homesick. I'm 20 and I still have bad days when all I want to do is go home cos I miss it so much, but then I'm ok for a few weeks. It jsut comes and goes, but it is getting better. Have rung home a lot more this term though- would that help or just make things worse?
Reply 3
call them?
Reply 4
I'm 18 and get homesick and i used to go to boarding school so in theory should be used to living away from home! Reality is you will always miss home, its an amazing place! The way i get round it is by going home as often as i can and plan when i am next going home weeks in advance and that gives me something to look forward to, take my mind of things. So atm, i go home every 4 weeks, so i know that in 2 weeks time i am seeing mum and that has meant that i don't feel homesick as much, perhaps this will work with you?
