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Yeah i'd say you got a drink problem im afraid you might want to talk to a counsellor.
Reply 2
well... i gotta admit that i am not the most experienced person in the world with drinking (only really started going out nd drinking in the last couple of months...) but im guessing that its probably not a good idea to be drinking regularly like that... cos its drinking to forget a problem and that isnt a good habit to get into... cos then if u have a big problem u might find yourself drinking a hell of a lot more...
Reply 3
you don't need professional help... unless u find that u actually cant stop drinking... then u might want to try and find some...
Reply 4
Not if you're only drinking 20cl a night, no [a single pub measure is 25cl]. But as your friends have mentioned it, and you feel you have a problem then try stopping. If you can't stop then consider talking to someone. Don't confuse not being able to stop with not wanting to though. Two subtley different things.

Your intake is below the safe limits for both men and women, so try not to worry.

You don't say how old you are though. If you're young (i.e. below the legal age) then using alcohol as a crutch is a bad habit to get into and you should try to break it.
Reply 5
i know its not a good habit but i dont do it all that often. probly 2 nights a week. maybe more often if im having problems with something.
Reply 6
im 18 btw and 20cl is a small bottle
Reply 7
i know its not a good habit but i dont do it all that often. probly 2 nights a week. maybe more often if im having problems with something.

Ok... not a good habit to get into... drinking is fine... just dont drink to forget... have a drink when u go out or with friends... its not the quantity that you drink that is the potential problem... it is why you are doing it and the habits it might form...
Reply 8
25ml is a shot, 20cl (i.e. 200ml) is half a pint ish?

That amount of spirit is quite a bit, but of course it depends what it is...if it is like JD and Vodka at about 40% then obviously that is a lot worse than Malibu at 22%. So Proof does matter, if you drinking half a pint of Jack Daniels a night then you really need to cut down on this, as that is going to seriously harm you, if you can cut it out completly then brilliant you will get of it quicker if you go 'cold turkey' if you will, it will be hard but you will get over your 'problem' you think you have. If you can't do this, try to drink less of the bottle, so 3/4 of a bottle, then half and then a 1/4 of a bottle...this amount a night won't hurt, altho of course less is always better!

I think you are drinking too much and you need to go and talk to your friends/close friends and family and look inside yourself and see why you are drinking, is it simply because you enjoy Jack Daniels for example or is there something you are trying to escape from?

I hope this helps you out somewhat, i know at Keele Uni there are helplines you can phone free of charge, have you thought of this at your Keele they are free, run by students for students and anonymous/confidential.

Reply 9
i spose i should finnish off what i have here then and just not buy more. should probly go out more too but i really dont want to leave my flat atm.
Reply 10
Yeh that sounds like a good plan. Well if you don't want to go out then thats fair enough, you won't have a good time if you don't want to go out and have a good time! However, don't become too isolated in your flat also, make sure you keep talking to your room mates otherwise they will worry! Deal with the problems you in your life atm, only by doing this will things get better in the long run, you obviously have some issues, you need to step back, look at what they are and what you think would be the best way of solving them.

Then go out, you will have a much better time, you will know in yourself when the right time to go out is.

Reply 12
think i'll just stick to not buying ne more alcohol. tho now its mentioned keeping a drink diary and waiting for a day i feel better sounds the easier option. and i would rather drink till i feel more relaxed than self harm and generally feel ****.
Reply 13
Hmm, this thread interests me. I like, twice a week, to drink tinnies and go online on messageboards and whatnot, just on my own in my bedroom. Sometimes I just get really wasted and then go to bed when I've had enough. This doesn't make me an alcoholic though.
Reply 14
Hmm, this thread interests me. I like, twice a week, to drink tinnies and go online on messageboards and whatnot, just on my own in my bedroom. Sometimes I just get really wasted and then go to bed when I've had enough. This doesn't make me an alcoholic though.

i dont think im an alchie but i do think i need to cut down on the drink. problem is i think i will just replace it with something else. its not like i drink till im wasted. i just drink mixers till im happy then just top up to keep myself in that state. they same way most ppl do on a night out. as u can see i can still type etc
Reply 15
thats right it doesnt... and i never said that the original message posted was from an alcoholic... but you obviously have different reasons for drinking than that... you dont do it to hide from a problem of feeling alone...
Reply 16
thats right it doesnt... and i never said that the original message posted was from an alcoholic... but you obviously have different reasons for drinking than that... you dont do it to hide from a problem of feeling alone...

there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
Some people frown on getting drunk on ones own, but I don't see the problem with it. You arne't going to make an idiot of yourself in front of anyone, you can enjoy the feeling of being pissed in isolation, with the music you love turned up loud, watching the dvd's you want to watch, talking to your friends online. I think it's relatively harmless, as long as it's no more than about once a week.

i dont see nething wrong with that watso ever but drinking to get away from your probs is a bad plan. as a head in the sand type person i identify with that.
Reply 18
nah mate ur same as those idiots that binge drink. dunno if ur an alchy, im pretty tipsy at the moment so prob makin not a lot of sense1 (im not in this for the post count promise!)
Reply 19
there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

sorry, my mistake... i wasnt reading your original post at the time.. .but my point is still the same... drinking cos u r feeling lonely is not a good habit to get into... go out for a drink with a friend or something...