Thats awful!!!!, that was the piont I was trying to make with my post!. I do not want to end up neglecting patients just because I have paper work to do, it is my job ( or will be) to ensure that patients are cared for properly, not left for hours( or days in the above case) unwashed, uncared for with the possilbility of wounds becoming infected because they arent dressed properly or at all, . The way some nurses behave completely appalls me, why on earth did they become nurses if they cannot do their job correctly?, you cannot put all the blame on the way the NHS is run ( or underfunded), how much does basic human compassion cost?, I would hate to think of any of my relatives being neglected when they are in hospital supposedly being cared for!!!, thats not caring, thats failure of duty!!!!!!!!!. Maybe I have an old fashioned view of what it means to be a nurse, but at the end of the day it is up to me to make sure that the patient is kept clean, dry, fed,medicated and above all maintain their dignity!!!!. Sorry for ranting ( again), but this is something I feel really passionate about, we do for them what they cannot do for themselves.. ( roll on university!!!!!!!!!)